Study on mine water inflow characteristics and water disaster prediction in Anshan Mine
Luo Nanhong;Zhang Yuhu;Wang Peng;Liu Fanfan;Shi Lei;Zhao Wanpeng
Shaanxi Yongxin Mining Co., Ltd.
陕北矿区作为我国煤炭主要产地之一,实现煤炭合理开采和矿井涌水量预测成为亟需解决的难题。为了研究安山煤矿矿井涌水问题,通过现场实测和理论预测的方法对矿井涌水量和导水裂隙带高度展开研究。研究表明,安山煤矿5-2煤开采矿井涌水量存在峰值点,最大值为58.5 m3/h,整体处于缓慢增长的趋势,涌水量主要受工作面推采参数影响。采用理论预计的方法得到矿井最大涌水量为94.59 m3/h,结合导水裂隙高度公式,预计发现煤层开采大部分区域未与上煤层导通,仅部分区域贯通,通过现场钻孔勘探发现理论预计和现场实测结果相近,依据矿井地质条件提出了具有针对性的矿井涌水量地质保障措施。
As one of the main producing areas of coal in China, it was an urgent problem to realize the rational mining of coal and the prediction of mine water inflow in northern Shaanxi mining area. In order to study the problem of mine water inflow in Anshan Mine, the mine water inflow and the height of water conduction fracture zone were studied by means of field measurement and theoretical prediction. The research showed that there was a peak point in the mine water inflow of No.5-2 coal mining in Anshan Mine, and the maximum value was 58.5 m3/h. The overall trend was in a slow growth trend, and the water inflow was mainly affected by the mining parameters of the working face. The maximum water inflow of the mine was 94.59 m3/h, which was obtained by the theoretical prediction method. Combined with the formula of water conduction fracture height, it was predicted that most of the coal seam mining areas were not connected with the upper coal seam, and only some areas were connected. Through drilling exploration in field, it was found that the theoretical prediction was similar to the field measurement results. According to the geological conditions of the mine, a targeted geological guarantee measure for mine water inflow was proposed.
mine water inflow;large well method;the method of collecting water corridor;water conduction fracture zone;geological security
罗南洪,张玉虎,王 鹏,刘凡凡,石 磊,赵万鹏. 安山煤矿矿井涌水特征及水害预测研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(4): 71-74.
Luo Nanhong, Zhang Yuhu, Wang Peng, Liu Fanfan, Shi Lei, Zhao Wanpeng. Study on mine water inflow characteristics and water disaster prediction in Anshan Mine. CCI, 2024, 47(4): 71-74.