Error analysis and calibration method of mine directional drilling trajectory measuring device
Zhao Guangping;Ma Qingxun;Yuan Jianxiong;Xi Jianjun;Tong Jingxiong
晋能控股集团 成庄煤矿西安科技大学西安瑞泰电气有限公司
Directional drilling technology is the mainstream trend of current underground drilling. Medium and large coal mines often purchase drilling rigs or MWD devices from different manufacturers in batches according to the needs of mine safety production. The accuracy evaluation and calibration of new MWD devices is a technical problem faced by coal mine users. In this paper, based on the existing more accurate measuring device, the new measuring device is evaluated and calibrated by the method of borehole retest, and good results are obtained. At the same time, the measurement accuracy caused by the change of magnetic declination is discussed.
directional drilling;trajectory measurement;error analysis;accuracy calibration;gas drainage;geological water prevention and control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会