Study on the comprehensive exploration technology up and down the mine in the exploration of small kiln shaft
Shi Yayun
霍州煤电吕临能化公司 庞庞塔煤矿
Artificial geological remains such as small kiln shafts became an important uncertain factor in the process of coal mining. In order to find out the occurrence and water accumulation of small kiln shafts in the working face of No.2 coal seam in Wanjie Coal Mine, the ground transient electromagnetic method and direct current method combined with the comprehensive exploration technology of underground advanced geophysical exploration and drilling exploration were used to detect, and the scope of goaf damage area of small coal mines was accurately delineated. Through the underground drilling verification, the wellbore position was identified, which provided geological data for the safe mining of Wanjie Coal Industry.
artificial geological remains;small kiln shaft;comprehensive exploration
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会