• 全部
  • Title

    Water-source heat pump in governance of heat hazard in deep mines – An exampleof Jinfeng Gold Mine, Guizhou

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEN Zhijie;PEI Peng;ZHAO Jie;SUN Jinghu;TANG Long

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mining, Guizhou University
    School of Mining Engineering, China University ofMining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The deep mining of mineral resources is the future direction of the mining industry, and thermal hazards inmines have become a major factor limiting safe production. Due to the working face of deep mines being located in tem-perature-increasing strata, combined with underground industrial heat sources, these heat sources exhibit characteristicssuch as being numerous and dispersed, prolonged duration, and high instantaneous heat release power. Current conven-tional cooling technologies such as ventilation optimization, roadway and equipment layout optimization, and isolation ofheat sources cannot meet the cooling needs of deep mines, necessitating the development and application of efficient,green, and high-capacity artificial refrigeration technologies. This paper first discusses the principles of heat pumps andexamines the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of heat sources and heat sinks both on the surface and under-ground in mining areas. It summarizes the challenges of applying artificial cooling technologies to the management ofthermal hazards in deep mines. The Jinfeng Gold Mine in Guizhou is currently mined to a depth of 630 meters. Using thismine as an example, the sources of underground thermal hazards were identified, and the cooling load was calculated.Cooling targets were selected based on the production characteristics of the mine, and the feasibility of using nearby waterbodies as heat sinks through water-source heat pump technology for underground cooling was explored. Field investiga-tions, measurements, theoretical calculations, and numerical simulations were conducted to analyze the thermal capacityand stability of four nearby water bodies: the Lüyin Pond, Luofan River, Beipan River, and the mine diversion channel.Initial investment and operating costs were calculated for water-source heat pump schemes based on different water bod-ies, leading to a technical and economic comparison. After comprehensive analysis, the proposal to use the mine's waterdiversion channel as the heat source for a water-source heat pump to cool the incoming air at the mine entrance was re-commended. This scheme is characterized by good cooling effectiveness, low investment, large stable heat sink capacity,and minimal ecological impact.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine heat hazard;underground cooling;water source heat pump;heat sink

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WEN Zhijie,PEI Peng,ZHAO Jie,et al. Water-source heat pump in governance of heat hazard in deep mines –An example of Jinfeng Gold Mine, Guizhou[J]. Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(4):344−356.

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