Study on gas diffusion evolution and emergency evacuation in tunnel with sudden wind shutdown
ZHAO Jindian;YANG Yanguo;QIAO Yonggang;MA Yikun;ZHANG Zeyu
太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院中国矿业大学 安全工程学院
为解决掘进巷道意外停风后新掘煤壁涌出大量瓦斯,导致瓦斯体积分数快速上升进而危及作业人员生命安全问题,提出停风期间掘进巷道瓦斯体积分数时空演化数学模型,采用多物理场耦合软件模拟研究掘进巷道发生突发性停风事故后瓦斯涌出量、瓦斯体积分数、氧气体积分数的时空演化规律。结果表明:停风后巷道内瓦斯扩散属于低雷诺数层流流动;理论计算数据与太岳煤矿2207掘进巷道停风实测数据对比分析趋势一致;涉险人员逃离速度必须大于3.91 m/min,最佳撤离时间段7~25 min,最迟在30 min巷道氧气体积分数降至低氧水平前逃出巷道。
In order to solve the problem that a large amount of gas emitted from the newly excavated coal wall in the driving roadway after the sudden wind shutdown causes the gas volume fraction to rise rapidly and thus endangers the safety of the operators, this paper proposes a mathematical model for the space-time evolution of the gas volume fraction in the driving roadway during the wind shutdown, and uses the multi-physical field coupling software to simulate and study the space-time evolution law of the gas emission, gas volume fraction, and oxygen volume fraction in the driving roadway after the sudden wind shutdown accident. The results show that the gas diffusion in the roadway after the ventilation is low Reynolds number laminar flow; the comparison and analysis trend of theoretical calculation data is consistent with the measured data of 2207 heading roadway in Taiyue Coal Mine; the escape speed of the personnel involved in the danger must be greater than 3.91 m/min, the best evacuation time is 7-25 min, and the minimum time is 30 min before the oxygen volume fraction in the roadway falls to the low oxygen level. The research results provide a theoretical basis for formulating the emergency response plan for coal mine gas safety accidents and scientifically arranging the emergency evacuation of operators.
gas front;emergency evacuation;gas overrun;gas diffusion with wind shutdown;optimal evacuation time
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会