Study of intermediate principal stress effect on progressive damage and permeability characteristics of unloading sandstone
DU Jiahui;LI Wenpu;CHANG Yue;WANG Ze;WANG Tao
太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院矿山岩层控制及灾害防控山西省重点实验室山西省煤基资源绿色高效开发工程研究中心吕梁学院
In order to investigate the effect of intermediate principal stress on the progressive damage and permeability characteristics of unloading sandstone, the unloading test was carried out under different intermediate principal stress conditions based on a multifunctional true triaxial fluid-solid coupling test system with gas-bearing sandstone as the research object; the exponential permeability model related to the cracked volume strain and damage variable were obtained. The results show that the crack closure stress, crack initiation stress and damage stress increase with the increase of intermediate principal stress, and the percentage of elastic section and microcrack extension stage in the pre-peak strain increases. The deformation in the direction of the intermediate principal stress is restrained in the microcrack extension stage, and the compression effect on the direction of the minimum principal stress is enhanced with the increase of the intermediate principal stress; in the macroscopic crack extension stage, the damage stress is closer to the peak stress, and the damage of the specimen is brittle in character. With the increase of the intermediate principal stress, the initial permeability reduction shows a decreasing trend and the point of elevated permeability shifts backward.
intermediate principal stress;unloading;progressive damage;sandstone permeability characteristics;rock damage
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会