Electrospun PET/Ag nanofiber filter membrane preparation and performance research for individual dust protection
ZHANG Qian;SONG Haizhou;SU Feng;LIU Jinguo;XU Zhuo
枣庄矿业(集团)有限责任公司 通风防尘处兖矿能源集团股份有限公司 东滩煤矿枣矿集团三河口矿业公司国家矿山安全监察局山东局山东科技大学 安全与环境工程学院山东科技大学 矿山灾害预防控制省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地
以聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯为原料,溶于三氟乙酸和二氯甲烷的混合溶剂,并添加抑菌性银离子,通过静电纺丝技术制备PET/Ag纳米纤维膜,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对微纳米纤维膜形貌、元素进行表征,并通过接触角实验、透湿性实验、过滤性实验、抗菌实验检测其综合防护性能。结果表明:通过调节纺丝液的质量分数可以有效地控制纳米纤维膜的纤维直径,而纤维直径的形态几乎不受影响;通过控制纺丝时间可以得到对颗粒物有不同过滤效果的材料,当纺丝液质量分数为10%,纺丝时间为2 h时,PET纳米纤维膜的品质因子最高,为0.041 Pa−1,综合防护性能最好,该条件下纳米纤维膜的水蒸气透过量为7 101.37 (g/m2·d),具有较强的疏水性,同时对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌具备抑制性。
The PET/Ag nanofibrous membrane, added antibacterial silver ions, was prepared by electrospinning technology with polyethylene terephthalate as the raw material, dissolved in the mixed solvent of trifluoroacetic acid and dichloromethane. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the morphologies and elements of the nanofibrous membrane. The comprehensive protection performance was tested by contact angle test, moisture permeability test, filtration test and antibacterial test. The results show that the fiber diameter of the nanofiber membrane can be effectively controlled by adjusting the mass fraction of the spinning solution, but the shape of the fiber diameter is almost unaffected; materials with different filtering effects on particulate matter can be obtained by controlling the spinning time; when the spinning solution mass fraction was 10% and the spinning time was 2 h, the PET nanofibrous membrane had the highest quality factor (0.041 Pa−1) and the best comprehensive protection performance. Under this condition, the water vapor permeability of the nanofibrous membrane was 7 101.37 (g/m2·d), and it had strong hydrophobicity. It also inhibits Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
coal mine dust;personal protection of dust;filtration performance;antibacterial performance;electrospun
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会