Research on collaborative control method of positioning of operators and hydraulic support for coal mine fully-mechanized mining face
LIANG Zhanze;ZHOU Shu;CHEN Haijian
神华神东煤炭集团公司 大柳塔矿中煤科工集团常州研究院有限公司天地(常州)自动化股份有限公司
In order to further improve the safety of coal mine comprehensive mining operations, a set of coal mine comprehensive mining personnel positioning and hydraulic support system control system is proposed with intelligent technology as the starting point; by designing a precise positioning system, dividing the control area of the coal mining face, and integrating the design system, an intelligent and automated coal mine comprehensive mining face working system was ultimately constructed. The application of collaborative control system in Daliuta Coal Mine shows that the system has strong safety and high stability, and can effectively ensure the life safety of coal mine comprehensive mining face operators.
coal mine fully mechanized mining face;operator positioning;personnel positioning system;hydraulic support;collaborative control;intelligent coal mine
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会