• 全部
  • Title

    Diesel vapor leakage and diffusion rules in underground chambers

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Shihao;BAI Jicheng;SONG Shuanglin;JIANG Wenzhong;LIANG Yuntao;LIN Qi

  • 单位

    煤炭科学研究总院中煤科工集团沈阳研究院有限公司煤矿安全技术国家重点实验室平顶山天安煤业股份有限公司安徽工业大学 能源与环境学院

  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute
    China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Shenyang Research Institute
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety Technology
    Pingdingshan Tian’an Coal Mining Co., Ltd
    School of Energy and Environment, Anhui University of Technology
  • 摘要

    随着柴油单轨吊和无轨胶轮车等辅助运输装置在煤矿井下的推广应用,在井下运输和加注柴油的频率越来越高,运输和加注柴油过程中泄漏的柴油和挥发的柴油蒸气会污染井下空气环境,严重时还可能造成燃烧与爆炸事故。针对煤矿井下柴油运输及加注过程的环境特点,构建了井下流态环境泄漏柴油蒸发扩散模型,建立了基于风速和蒸发速率的柴油蒸气体积分数峰值预测方法,研究了不同环境风速及柴油蒸发速率条件下的柴油蒸气体积分数分布规律,提出了煤矿井下柴油蒸气-瓦斯混合环境防火防爆措施。结果表明:在井下流态环境中,柴油蒸气扩散呈现出明显的沉降、分层及分段特性,风流对柴油蒸气扩散具有促进作用;当柴油泄漏后20 s时,蒸气可扩散至距泄漏点下风侧10 m;当柴油泄漏后40 s时,蒸气可扩散至距泄漏点下风侧15 m;当柴油泄漏后70 s时,硐室中各监测点柴油蒸气体积分数达到峰值并趋于稳定;柴油蒸气体积分数峰值点位于泄漏点下风侧1 m处;可通过采用降低硐室环境温度、减少泄漏面积和增加风速等措施防止柴油蒸气-瓦斯混合气体燃烧和爆炸。

  • Abstract

    With the popularization and application of auxiliary transportation devices such as diesel monorail cranes and trackless rubber-wheeled vehicles in underground coal mines, the frequency of transporting and refilling diesel fuel in underground mines is getting higher and higher, leakage of diesel fuel and volatile diesel vapor during transportation and refueling will pollute the underground air environment, and may cause combustion and explosion accidents in serious cases. In this paper, for the environmental characteristics of diesel transportation and refueling process in underground coal mine, we constructed the evaporation and diffusion model of leaked diesel in underground fluid environment, established the prediction method of peak diesel vapor volume fraction based on wind speed and evaporation rate, investigated the distribution law of diesel vapor volume fraction under the conditions of different ambient wind speeds and diesel evaporation rates, and put forward fire prevention and explosion-proof measures for the mixed diesel vapor-gas environment in underground coal mine. The results show that in the underground flow environment, diesel vapor diffusion presents obvious subsiding, layering and segmentation characteristics, and the wind flow has a promoting effect on diesel vapor diffusion. When the diesel was leaking for 20 s, the vapour spread to 10 m downwind of the leak, and when the diesel was leaking for 40 s, the vapour spread to 15 m downwind of the leak, and when the diesel was leaking for 70 s, the volume fraction of diesel vapour in the chamber reached a peak and tended to stabilize, and the peak volume fraction of diesel vapour was located at a point 1 m downwind of the leak. Measures such as lowering the ambient temperature of the chamber, reducing the leakage area and increasing the air velocity can be taken to prevent the diesel vapour-gas mixture from burning and exploding.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining;refueling chamber;diesel vapor;leakage and diffusion rules;peak volume fraction prediction

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李世豪,白纪成,宋双林,等. 井下硐室柴油蒸气泄漏扩散规律[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(5):140−150.
  • Citation
    LI Shihao, BAI Jicheng, SONG Shuanglin, et al. Diesel vapor leakage and diffusion rules in underground chambers[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(5): 140−150.
  • 图表
    • 硐室模型

    图(17) / 表(1)


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