Activation mechanism and characteristics caused by normal fault damage under mining disturbance
CHEN Taiyong;LIU Guolei;CHANG Xiaoxiao;WU Yancheng;MA Qiufeng;HAO Xiqing;ZHAO Chengbo
山东理工大学 资源与环境工程学院新汶矿业集团有限责任公司 孙村煤矿山东能源集团鲁西矿业有限公司 郭屯煤矿枣庄矿业集团 高庄煤业有限公司
In order to explore the mechanical response characteristics of faults when the working face is normal fault mining, a numerical simulation model is established based on the engineering geological conditions of 1105 working face in Gaozhuang Coal Mine to obtain the evolution characteristics of fault damage variables under mining disturbance. The simulation results are analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis and the mechanical model of footwall rock mass is established to obtain the relationship between fault damage variables and coal stress. The results show that the fracture damage of the fault develops from the high rock layer to the low rock layer. When the fault damage variable reaches the critical value, the fault has the condition to activate; under the influence of working face mining, the development of fault damage variable is earlier than the increase of abutment pressure of coal body. Fault damage variable can be used as a key index to predict fault activation and coal body stress increase; through multiple linear regression analysis, the determined influencing factors of fault damage variables are distance from fault, vertical stress, internal friction angle of fault and fault cohesion; in the process of working face to fault mining, the decrease of coal width between working face and fault causes the increase of coal stress. At the same time, the mining leads to the damage development of the fault surface, the effective bearing area between the upper and lower rock mass is reduced, the weight of the rock mass is mostly borne by the lower coal body, and the coal body stress is further increased.
normal fault;mining disturbance;fault activation;damage variable;numerical simulation;multiple linear regression analysis
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会