Influence of low temperature environment on the ignition capacitor performance of electronic control module
LIU XiaoBao;WU Chen;CHI Qiang;ZHAN Xu;LI Xin;ZHANG Liang;REN Dongmei
The influence of low temperature environment on the ignition performance of four types of electronic control modules with ignition heads A(tantalum capacitor), B(electrolytic capacitor), C (electrolytic capacitor) and C (tantalum capacitor) is studied through the “-40 ℃ ,4 h” low temperature storage experiment. The voltage changes of the ignition capacitors of four samples in each stage of the ignition process are tested by oscilloscope. The study finds that: after the storage of “-40 ℃ ,4 h”, the voltage values of tantalum capacitor and electrolytic capacitor in each stage of the ignition process do not change obviously before and after the experiment, the ignition capacitor performance of samples A(tantalum capacitor) and C ( tantalum capacitor) are not affected, however, samples h - 1 and h - 2 with B ( electrolytic capacitor) and C (electrolytic capacitor) are not ignited at -40 ℃ , and the electrolytic capacitor can not work properly.
digital electronic detonator;electronic control module;ignition capacitor;low temperature storage;voltage
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会