• 全部
  • Title

    Adaptability analysis of hydraulic support for large mining height in kilometer-deep wells based on double quantitative evaluation index

  • 作者


  • Author

    NIU Yanqi;CHEN Tailong;HU Xiangpeng;SHANG Deyong;LI Zhanping;XUE Zhuo

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 智慧矿山与机器人研究院煤矿智能化与机器人创新应用应急管理部重点实验室天地宁夏支护装备有限公司内蒙古汇能煤电集团有限公司 数字管理中心

  • Organization
    School of Mechanical, Electronic & Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing)
    Institute of Intelligent Mining & Robotics, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing)
    Key Laboratory of Intelligent Mining and Robotics, Ministry of Emergency Management
    Tiandi Ningxia Support Equipment Co., Ltd.
    Digital Management Center, Inner Mongolia Huineng Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    针对液压支架的适应性评价缺乏量化指标的问题, 以淮南矿区口孜东煤矿的千米深井软岩大采高俯斜采煤工作面的地质条件为研究对象, 建立了四柱和两柱支架的“支架–推移千斤顶”承载稳定性力学模型, 得到了两种架型临界载荷的一般形式及推移千斤顶参与支架力学平衡的判定准则。提出了衡量液压支架与顶板和底板适应性的双量化评价指标, 指导研制了适用于该煤矿的ZZ18000/33/72D型大采高四柱液压支架, 采用理论分析和数值计算对比了两种架型的适应性, 并进行了现场试验。结果表明: 支架与顶板的适应性指标越大及支架与底板的适应性指标越小, 则支架的适应性越强; 指导研制的ZZ18000/33/72D型大采高四柱支架对顶板适应性、底板比压及对安全阀的控制性等方面明显优于两柱支架, 临界载荷曲线更适应该场景的顶板载荷特征。该支架与顶板和底板的适应性良好, 未出现影响工作面安全和正常回采的大面积片帮及冒顶, 底座也未发生陷入底板的现象。研究结果可为液压支架的适应性设计和评价提供量化参考。

  • Abstract

    In view of the lack of quantitative indices in the adaptability evaluation of the shield, the geological conditions of downdip mining face with deep large mining height and soft rock in the Huainan area is considered as the research background. The load-bearing stability model of the "shield-shifting ram" of four-leg and two-leg shields is established, and the standard forms of critical load and the judgment criteria of the shifting ram participating in the mechanical balance of the shield are obtained. Moreover, a double quantitative evaluation index is introduced to measure the adaptability of the shield to roof and floor, and the four-leg large mining height shield of ZZ18000/33/72D suitable for the coal mine is developed. Then, theoretical analysis, numerical calculations and field tests are carried out to investigate the adaptability of the two types of shields. The results show that the greater the adaptability index between shield and roof and the smaller the adaptability index between shield and floor, the stronger the corresponding adaptability of the shield. The ZZ18000/33/72D typed large mining height four-leg support exhibits significant advantages over the two-leg support in terms of adaptability to the roof, bottom pressure ratio, and control of the safety valve. The critical load curve of the ZZ18000/33/72D support is better suited to the roof load characteristics of the specific scenario. The shield has good adaptability to the roof and floor, no large-area sidewall and roof fall affect the safety and mining of the coal, and the base does not sink into the floor. The study provide s quantitative reference for the adaptive design and evaluation of shields.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    double quantitative evaluation index;hydraulic support;adaptability;critical load curve

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(52174154); 内蒙古“科技兴蒙”行动重点专项资助项目(2021EEDSCXSFQZD005)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    NIU Yanqi, CHEN Tailong, HU Xiangpeng, et al. Adaptability analysis of hydraulic support for large mining height in kilometer-deep wells based on double quantitative evaluation index[J]. Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering, 2024, 6(5): 053024.
  • 图表
    • “支架−推移千斤顶”承载稳定性力学模型(四柱)

    图(12) / 表(2)


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