• 全部
  • Title

    Intelligent recognition of personnel intrusion into belt conveyor hazardous areas based on an improved YOLOv8 model

  • 作者


  • Author

    MAO Qinghua;SU Yinan;HE Gaofeng;ZHAI Jiao;WANG Rongquan;SHANG Xinmang

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 机械工程学院陕西省矿山机电装备智能检测与控制重点实验室陕西小保当矿业有限公司西安重装韩城煤矿机械有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Detection and Control
    Shaanxi Xiaobaodang Mining Co., Ltd.
    Xi'an Heavy Equipment Hancheng Coal Mine Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    To address challenges such as severe dust and fog interference, complex background environments, and variable personnel scales with frequent occlusions in coal mine belt conveyor scenarios, which resulted in low accuracy in recognizing personnel intrusions into hazardous areas, an intelligent recognition system based on an improved YOLOv8 model was proposed. The improved YOLOv8 model enhanced detailed feature extraction by replacing the C2f module in the backbone network with the C2fER module, which improved recognition performance for small targets. The Feature Enhancement Weighted Bi-Directional Feature Pyramid Network (FE-BiFPN) structure was introduced into the neck network to strengthen feature fusion capabilities, thereby enhancing recognition of multi-scale personnel targets. The Separated and Enhancement Attention Module (SEAM) was incorporated to improve the model's attention to local features in complex backgrounds, which boosted its ability to recognize occluded personnel targets. Furthermore, the WIoU loss function was applied to enhance training outcomes, improving recognition accuracy. Ablation experiment results showed that the improved YOLOv8 model achieved a 2.3% increase in accuracy and a 3.4% improvement in mAP@0.5 compared to the baseline YOLOv8s model, with a recognition speed of 104 frames per second. Personnel recognition experiments demonstrated that, compared to YOLOv10m, YOLOv8s-CA, YOLOv8s-SPDConv, and YOLOv8n models, the improved YOLOv8 model delivered superior recognition performance for small, multi-scale, and occluded targets, achieving a recognition accuracy of 90.2% and an mAP@0.5 of 87.2%. Personnel intrusion experiments revealed that the intelligent recognition system achieved an average accuracy of 93.25% in identifying personnel intrusions into belt conveyor hazardous areas, satisfying recognition requirements.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine belt conveyor;personnel intrusion into hazardous areas;YOLOv8 model;occluded target detection;small target detection;multi-scale fusion;C2fER module;Feature Enhancement Weighted Bi-Directional Feature Pyramid Network (FE-BiFPN)

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    毛清华,苏毅楠,贺高峰,等. 基于改进YOLOv8模型的井下人员入侵带式输送机危险区域智能识别[J]. 工矿自动化,2025,51(1):11-20, 103.
  • Citation
    MAO Qinghua, SU Yinan, HE Gaofeng, et al. Intelligent recognition of personnel intrusion into belt conveyor hazardous areas based on an improved YOLOv8 model[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2025,51(1):11-20, 103.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 井下人员入侵带式输送机危险区域智能识别系统结构

    图(13) / 表(4)


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