• 全部
  • Title

    Coupling coordination analysis of digital economy and carbon emission reduction capacity in the Yellow River basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Shanshan;LI Wei;JI Zenan

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 经济管理学院塔里木大学 经济与管理学院

  • Organization
    School of Economics and Management,Taiyuan University of Technology
    College of Economics and Management,Tarim University
  • 摘要
    数字经济具有促进经济高质量发展和环境改善的双重效应。因此,以黄河流域2011—2021年9个省份面板数据为样本,运用熵值法、耦合协调度模型、Kernel密度估计、Moran's I指数和标准差椭圆等方法探究数字经济与碳减排能力耦合协调度的时序与空间演进特征。结果显示:① 2011—2021年黄河流域数字经济、碳减排能力均呈稳步增长态势;② 耦合协调度逐年上升,步入协调阶段的省份逐渐增多;③ 空间上,耦合协调度具有显著的空间正相关性,但相关性呈波动下降趋势;④ 标准差椭圆呈东北—西南方向分布,重心位于陕西且整体向西北方向迁移,椭圆面积小幅度扩大。
  • Abstract
    The digital economy possesses a dual effect of promoting high-quality economic development and environmental improvement. Therefore,this study employs panel data from nine provinces in the Yellow River Basin from 2011 to 2021 as samples. It utilizes various methods such as Entropy Method,Coupling Coordination Model,Kernel Density Estimation,Moran's I Index,and standard deviational ellipse to investigate the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of the coupling coordination degree between the digital economy and carbon emission reduction capabilities. The results indicate that:① Both the digital economy and carbon emission reduction capabilities in the Yellow River Basin have shown a steady growth trend from 2011 to 2021. ② The degree of coupling coordination is increasing year by year,and the number of provinces moving into the coordination stage is gradually increasing. ③ Spatially,the coupling coordination degree exhibits a significant positive spatial correlation,but the correlation shows a fluctuating downward trend. ④ The standard deviation ellipse is distributed in a northeast-southwest direction,with its center located in Shaanxi and migrating towards the northwest overall. The area of the ellipse has expanded slightly.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    digital economy;carbon emission reduction capability;coupling coordination;spatio-temporal evolution;Yellow River basin;entropy method;standard deviational ellipse

  • 引用格式
    陈姗姗, 李玮, 吉泽男. 黄河流域数字经济与碳减排能力耦合协调分析. 煤炭经济研究. 2024, 44(9): 6-17
  • Citation
    CHEN Shanshan, LI Wei, JI Zenan. Coupling coordination analysis of digital economy and carbon emission reduction capacity in the Yellow River basin. Coal Economic Research. 2024, 44(9): 6-17
  • 相关文章

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