• 全部
  • Title

    How does digital intelligence drive new quality productive force in energy and power industry

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHI Yuanying ;WANG Xiaoyu;ZHANG Xufeng;WU Yuxi ;LI Jialin

  • 单位

    北京工业大学 经济与管理学院华北电力大学 经济管理学院

  • Organization
    School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology
    School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Under the background of digital transformation, creating and developing new quality productivity in power will effectively promote the energy revolution, accelerate the construction of new power systems and new energy systems, and promote the high-quality development of energy and electricity. Digital intellectualization brings more opportunities to drive the development of new quality productivity in power. Taking the transformation of digital intelligence as the entry point, this paper dissects the internal logic of developing new quality productivity in the power sector and then constructs an innovative driving mechanism based on the trinity of “digital intelligence +”. Eventually, four implementation paths for enabling new quality productivity in power through digital intelligence are proposed: strengthening innovation and breakthroughs in digital and intelligent technologies in the power system, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the power industry, accelerating the building of a talent team in the power system, and promoting the optimization and upgrading of the energy and power capital chain, which aims to empower the accelerated development of the new quality productivity in power by means of digital intelligence from the four dimensions of the power technology, industry, talents and capital chain.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    new quality productivity;energy;power;digital intellectualization;driven mechanism;implementation paths

  • 引用格式
    迟远英, 王晓瑜, 张旭峰, 武宇希, 李佳霖. 数智化何以驱动能源电力行业新质生产力发展. 煤炭经济研究. 2024, 44(10): 37-44
  • Citation
    CHI Yuanying , WANG Xiaoyu, ZHANG Xufeng, WU Yuxi , LI Jialin. How does digital intelligence drive new quality productive force in energy and power industry. Coal Economic Research. 2024, 44(10): 37-44
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