• 全部
  • Title

    Study on roof deformation mechanism and control technology of cross-fault roof cutting and pressure relief self-forming roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUO Zhibiao;ZHAO Yuanxin;YANG Dongshan;GAO Jingwei;YIN Songyang;KUAI Xiaohui

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
    State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    针对跨断层切顶卸压自成巷顶板变形大不易支护的问题,以棋盘井煤矿东区11101工作面运输巷为工程背景,探究跨断层切顶卸压自成巷顶板变形机理,研究“切顶卸压+恒阻锚索”支护对跨断层切顶卸压自成巷顶板变形的控制效果。建立力学分析模型研究断层及切顶卸压自成巷顶板各相关参数对巷道直接顶应力的影响,将切顶卸压自成巷顶板变形过程划分为4个阶段,研究巷道顶板各阶段及总垂直位移量计算方法并给出计算公式,并将相关参数代入公式求解跨断层切顶卸压自成巷顶板垂直位移量;利用3DEC数值模拟软件建立跨断层切顶卸压自成巷数值计算模型,研究断层附近巷道顶板应力应变演化规律及恒阻锚索控制效果,研究结果表明:数值模拟上下盘巷道顶板变形数据与理论分析所得数据结果误差分别为1.14%、4.04%;恒阻锚索能够有效减小巷道顶板变形,与未使用恒阻锚索模型相比,上盘巷道切缝侧顶板垂直位移量减小至16.8%,下盘巷道切缝侧顶板垂直位移量减小至50.7%;上下盘巷道顶板在工作面回采过巷道测点断面过程中出现不同程度的应力集中,其中上盘巷道顶板的垂直应力集中值大于下盘巷道,分别为5.72 MPa和4.48 MPa;恒阻锚索通过减缓断层附近巷道顶板变形速率,待巷旁碎石帮充填完成后与碎石帮共同对巷道顶板变形进行控制;将11101工作面运输巷围岩位移监测数据与理论模型计算结果相比较,误差均在10%以内,证明“切顶卸压+恒阻锚索”支护方式对跨断层巷道顶板变形具有良好的控制效果。

  • Abstract

    Aiming at the problem that roof deformation of cross fault roof cutting and pressure relief self-formed roadway is large and difficult to support, the mechanism of roof deformation of self-formed roadway in cross fault roof cutting and pressure-relieving roadway is studied based on the engineering background of the transport channeling of No. 11101 face in the eastern district of Qipanjing Coal Mine, and the effect of the support method of "roof cutting and pressure relief + constant resistance anchor cable" on roof deformation control of self-formed roadway in cross-fault roof cutting and pressure relieving roadway is studied. A mechanical analysis model was established to study the influence of the relevant parameters of the roof on the direct roof stress of the roadway, and the deformation process of the roof of the roadway was divided into four stages. The calculation method of each stage and the total vertical displacement of the roof of the roadway were studied and the calculation formula was given, and the relevant parameters were substituted into the formula to solve the vertical displacement of the roof of the roadway across the fault. 3DEC numerical simulation software was used to establish the numerical calculation model of self-formed roadway with cross fault roof cutting and pressure relief, and the stress-strain evolution law of roadway roof near the fault and the control effect of constant resistance anchor cable were studied. The research results show that the error between the numerical simulation and theoretical analysis data of roadway roof deformation is 1.14% and 4.04%, respectively. The constant resistance anchor cable can effectively reduce the deformation of roadway roof. Compared with the non-constant resistance anchor cable model, the vertical displacement of roof on slit side of upper wall roadway is reduced to 16.8%, and the vertical displacement of roof on slit side of lower wall roadway is reduced to 50.7%. The roof of upper and lower wall roadway will have different degree of stress concentration in the process of mining through the measurement section of roadway, and the vertical stress concentration value of upper wall roadway roof is larger than that of lower wall roadway, which is 5.72 MPa and 4.48 MPa respectively. The constant resistance anchor cable can reduce the deformation rate of roadway roof near the fault, and control the deformation of roadway roof jointly with the gravel wall after the filling is completed. By comparing the displacement monitoring data of surrounding rock along the channel of No. 11101 face transport with the calculation results of the theoretical model, the error is less than 10%, which proves that the support method of " roof cutting and pressure relief + constant resistance anchor cable" has a good control effect on the roof deformation of cross fault roadway.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    roof cutting and pressure relief;cross fault mining;3DEC;roof deformation;stress and strain evolutions;constant resistance anchor cable

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    郭志飚,赵元欣,杨东山,等. 跨断层切顶卸压自成巷顶板变形机理及控制技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(6):14−28.
  • Citation
    GUO Zhibiao,ZHAO Yuanxin,YANG Dongshan,et al. Study on roof deformation mechanism and control technology of cross-fault roof cutting and pressure relief self-forming roadway[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(6):14−28.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 跨断层巷道工作面及断层关系

    图(26) / 表(3)


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