Mining-induced damage evaluation method of buildings based on surface sensitive deformation and housing factors
LIAO Mengguang;DAI Huayang;LI Mengtao;YAN Yueguan;LONG Sichun
湖南科技大学 地球科学与空间信息工程学院中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院湖南科技大学 地理空间信息技术国家地方联合工程实验室
针对目前建筑物采动损坏评价因素的不尽合理与区域性评判结果的局限性,提出基于地表敏感变形和房屋因素的矿区建筑物采动损坏评价方法。采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场调查等方法对建筑物采动损坏评价进行了研究与探讨。首先,采用数值模拟方法,揭示地表变形、建筑物结构类型、主变形方向与建筑物长轴的夹角等因素对建筑物损坏影响规律,模拟结果表明:① 当沿建筑物长轴的变形增大时,建筑物的损坏程度增大,得出了平房建筑加速损伤的地表变形临界值为曲率
In view of unreasonable evaluation factors and limitations of regional evaluation results of the current mining-induced building damage, a method is proposed for assessing building damage based on surface sensitive deformation and housing factors. Mining-induced building damage evaluation is studied by means of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field investigation. Firstly, numerical simulation method is used to reveal the influence rule of surface deformation, building structure type, the angle between the main deformation direction and the long axis of the building on the building damage. The results show that ① when the deformation along the long axis of the building increases, the degree of damage to the building increases. It is obtained the critical value of surface deformation for the accelerated damage of one-story bungalow building is curvature
mining-induced damage of buildings;ground sensitive deformation;evaluation index;long axis of buildings
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会