• 全部
  • Title

    Evaluation and matching of CCS source and sink potential of various geologic bodies in Huainan Coalfield

  • 作者


  • Author

    FANG Huihuang;SANG Shuxun;ZHANG Pingsong;LIU Shiqi;WANG Zhangfei;GUO Jinran;CHEN Rui

  • 单位

    安徽理工大学 地球与环境学院合肥国家综合科学中心能源研究所中国矿业大学 低碳能源研究院江苏省煤基CO2捕集与地质存储重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Earth and Environment, Anhui University of Science and Technology
    Institute of Energy, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center
    Key Laboratory of Coal-based CO2 Capture and Geological Storage, Jiangsu Province, Low Carbon Energy Institute, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    开展淮南煤田各类型地质体CCUS源汇潜力评估及其匹配性研究,对于CO2–ECBM技术工程化推广意义深远。以淮南煤田各类型地质体(深部不可采煤层、残留煤体、采空区)为研究对象,首先,探讨了各类型地质体CO2地质封存潜力评估方法;其次,分析了各类型地质体CO2地质封存潜力;然后,基于成本最低目标函数及改进节约里程法,开展了CO2地质封存源汇匹配研究,并优化了其管网设计;最后,基于3步走思路,提出了CCS源汇管网规划设计思路的系统建议。研究结果表明:燃煤电厂年平均CO2排放量为0.588亿t,深部不可采煤层、残留煤体及采空区内CO2地质封存总潜力分别为7.620 0亿、0.051 7亿、0.824 6亿t,可分别封存CO2 12.97 a、0.088 a及1.40 a;10 a周期内,深部不可采煤层可封存CO2 5.876亿t,累计规划管道217.096 0 km,需要资金373亿美元;1.45 a周期内,生产矿井及关闭矿井可封存CO2 0.852亿t,累计规划管道464.516 1 km,需要资金73.6亿美元;基于改进节约里程法,CCS源汇匹配各地质封存汇点累计节约里程266.612 7 km,累计节约成本11.21亿美元,分别占管道运输总里程、总成本的57.40%、79.95%;基于3步走思路,可分阶段、分区域实现淮南煤田各CO2排放源及CO2封存汇的全线贯通,可实现CO2的全部运输及地质封存。

  • Abstract

    The evaluation and matching of CCUS source and sink potential of various geological bodies in Huainan coalfield is of great significance to the engineering popularization of CO2–ECBM technology. In this study, various types of geological bodies, such as deep unworkable coal seam, residual coal body and goaf area, in Huainan coalfield were taken as the research object. Firstly, the evaluation methods of CO2 geologic storage potential of various geologic bodies were discussed. Secondly, the CO2 storage potential of various geologic bodies was analyzed. Then, based on the lowest cost objective function and improved mileage saving method, the source and sink matching research of CO2 geological storage was carried out, and the pipe network design was optimized. Finally, based on the three-step thinking, the design idea of CCS source and sink network planning was proposed. The results show that the total annual CO2 emissions of coal-fired power plants are 58.8 million tons. The total CO2 geological storage potential in deep non-mining coal seam, residual coal and goaf area is 762 million tons, 5.17 million tons and 82.46 million tons, respectively, which can store CO2 for 12.97 years, 0.088 years and 1.40 years, respectively. Within the 10-year cycle, the deep unworkable coal seam can store 587.6 million tons of CO2, and the cumulative planned pipeline is 217.0 960 km with requiring a cumulative capital of 3.73×1010 $. Within the 1.45-year cycle, production mines and closed mines can store 85.2 million tons of CO2, and the cumulative planned pipeline is 464.516 1 km with requiring a cumulative capital of 7.36×109 $. Based on the improved mileage saving method, CCS source and sink matching each geological storage junction saved 266.612 7 km and 1.121×109 $, accounting for 57.40 % and 79.95 % of the total mileage and total cost of pipeline transportation, respectively. Based on the three-step approach, the whole line of CO2 emission sources and CO2 storage sinks in Huainan coal field can be completed by stages and regions, and all CO2 transportation and geological storage can be realized.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS);source-sink matching model;CO2 geological storage;mileage saving method;deep unworkable coal seam;Huainan coal field

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    方辉煌,桑树勋,张平松,等. 淮南煤田各类型地质体CCS源汇潜力评估及其匹配性[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(8):3580−3592.
  • Citation
    FANG Huihuang,SANG Shuxun,ZHANG Pingsong,et al. Evaluation and matching of CCS source and sink potential of various geologic bodies in Huainan Coalfield[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(8):3580−3592.
  • 图表
    • 淮南煤田地质背景及其CO2源–汇点分布

    图(10) / 表(8)


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