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  • Title

    Hydroecological effects of mining and its restoration ways in coal mining areas of Western China

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Hao;WANG Qiangmin;DONG Shuning;WANG Xiaodong;GE Guangrong;ZHANG Xiyu;CAO Shumiao;ZHANG Quan

  • 单位

    中煤科工西安研究院(集团)有限公司煤矿灾害防控全国重点实验室陕西省"四主体一联合"黄河流域中段矿区(煤矿)生态环境保护与修复校企联合研究中心西安建筑科技大学 西北水资源与环境生态教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd.
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Prevention and Control
    Shaanxi Engineering Research Center of Mine Ecological Environment Protection and Restoration in the Middle of Yellow River Basin
    Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource, Environment and Ecology (Ministry of Education), Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
  • 摘要

    西部干旱半干旱矿区已成为保障我国能源战略安全的重要煤炭生产基地,但大规模高强度煤炭开发诱发了一系列的水资源和生态环境问题,以水文视角解析生态问题,系统揭示煤炭开采引发的水文生态效应,并以水为基提出矿区受损水文生态的修复途径。研究结果表明:采煤塌陷地裂缝加速了降水入渗和蒸发过程,裂缝附近区域土壤含水率形成“漏斗区”;典型煤矿煤层开采导水裂隙带局部直接沟通松散含水层,地下水流场和资源量较采前发生较大变化,最大水位降深接近14 m,平均水位降深超过5 m,地下水负均衡差超2500×104 m3/a,地下水位下降导致河流径流量的衰减量逐渐增加,最大可达172×104 m3/a,在地下水位埋深小于5 m区域,地下水位下降大幅降低了植被的生态耗水量。针对水资源量短缺、生态水位降低、土壤保水性差、植被用水效率不高等现状,提出了针对性的受损水文生态修复技术途径:① 矿井水适度净化技术,该技术具有较宽的脱盐率区间,在面向生态的矿井水适度处理方面更具优势,处理后的矿井水可为水文生态修复提供合格水源;② 矿井水浅层回灌生态补水技术,研究区矿井涌水量较大、矿井水水质较好、第四系松散含水层储水空间可观,实施矿井水浅层回灌可抬升矿区不断下降的生态水位;③ 矿区损伤土壤重构技术,在植被根系土壤层下衬垫隔水土层,可明显提升塌陷区土壤水分和植被耗水量;④ 矿区生态微生物修复技术,适宜的接菌处理可以扩大根系对土壤水分和养分的吸收范围和面积,调节与光合作用、糖代谢、谷胱甘肽代谢和Ca2+信号转导相关的基因的表达,提高植被的用水效能和抗旱性。文章研究成果为干旱半干旱矿区的水资源保护和生态环境修复提供科学依据和技术支撑。

  • Abstract

    The mining areas in arid and semi-arid region have become important coal production bases to ensure China’s energy strategic security, however, coal development by large-scale and high-intensity mining has triggered a series of water resources and ecological environment problems. The article analyzes ecological issues from a hydrological perspective, systematically reveals the hydrological and ecological effects caused by coal mining, and develops restoration technologies for damaged hydrological ecology in mining areas based on water. The research results are indicated by the follow. The subsidence caused by coal mining accelerates the infiltration and evaporation of precipitation, and the soil moisture near the soil fractures appears "funnel zone". The water conducting fracture connects directly with the loose aquifer in typical coal areas, and the groundwater flow field and resource quantity have undergone significant changes. The maximum water level drop is close to 14m, the average water level drop exceeds 5m, and the amount of negative balance exceeds 2500×104 m3/a. The decrease in groundwater level leads to a gradual reduction in river flow, with a maximum of 172×104 m3/a. In areas where the groundwater level is less than 5 m, the decrease in groundwater level significantly reduces the ecological water consumption of vegetation. Base on the water resources and ecological environment problems, the hydrological and ecological restoration technologies have been developed, to response to the current situation of water resource shortage, ecological water level reduction, poor soil water retention, and low vegetation water use efficiency. Firstly, the moderate purification technology for mine water by nanofiltration has been developed. The technology has a wide range of desalination rates, and the treated mine water can provide high-quality water sources for hydrological and ecological restoration. Secondly, the ecological reinjection technology has been developed in soil, basing on the large amount of mine water inflow, good mine water quality, and considerable storage space in the Quaternary loose aquifer. The mine water recharge can lift the ecological water level in the mining area. Thirdly, the soil reconstruction technology has been developed, in which a water-resistant soil layer is placed underneath the vegetation root soil layer, which can significantly increase soil moisture and vegetation water consumption in the collapsed area. Fourthly, soil microbial inoculation technology has been developed, and appropriate inoculation treatment can expand the absorption range and area of soil moisture and nutrients by roots, regulate the expression of genes related to photosynthesis, sugar metabolism, glutathione metabolism, and calcium ion signal transduction, and improve the water efficiency and drought resistance of vegetation. The research results provide scientific basis for water resource protection and ecological environment restoration in arid and semi-arid mining areas in western China.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    arid and semi-arid;coal mining;groundwater;hydroecological effects;restoration ways

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王皓,王强民,董书宁,等. 西部典型煤矿区采动水文生态效应及修复途径[J]. 煤炭学报,2025,50(1):610−622.
  • Citation
    WANG Hao,WANG Qiangmin,DONG Shuning,et al. Hydroecological effects of mining and its restoration ways in coal mining areas of Western China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2025,50(1):610−622.
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