• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation of oily sludge blending in large coal-firedboilers and its engineering application

  • 作者


  • Author

    GU Yongping;WU Jianbo;ZHANG Fanzhi;ZHANG Haidan;ZHANG Hui;ZHANG Guangxue

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Taizhou Power Plant of Zhejiang Zheneng Power Co., Ltd.
    Zhejiang EnergyGroup R & D
    Institute of Energy Engineering,China Jiliang University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In response to the issues of large production volume, complex composition, and difficultiesin the disposal of oily sludge in China, this paper presents a novel technical approach that involvesblending and burning oily sludge in large coal-fired boilers. First, a numerical simulation was conductedto evaluate the co-burning scheme of oily sludge. The results showed that blending did not significantlyalter the temperature field distribution within the boiler, except for a slight increase observed in themain combustion zone. When a portion of the fuel was replaced with oily sludge instead of pulverizedcoal, the combustion temperature in the main zone rose due to the fast ignition and high combustioncompleteness of oily sludge, resulting in a reduction of nitrogen oxides (NO) emissions. Additionally,burning oily sludge led to a decrease in the carbon content of the fly ash, thereby improving boilerEnergy Environmental Protectionefficiency. Secondly, this technical approach was implemented in practice on a 330 MW boiler. Themeasurement results demonstrated that under a 120 MW load, the blending and burning of sludgereduced the NO emission value from 425 mg/Nm to 376 mg/Nm and increased boiler efficiency from91.90% to 92.13%. Therefore, the blending approach offers significant economic and environmentalbenefits and promising prospects for widespread applications.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Oily sludge;Coal-fired boiler;Co-blending;Numerical simulation;Engineeringapplication

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    GU Yongping, WU Jianbo, ZHANG Fanzhi, et al. Numerical simulation of oily sludge blending in large coal-fired boilers and its engineering application[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(6): 132−138.

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