• 全部
  • Title

    Control and intelligent monitoring of noise generated in coal screening-crushing shop

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Yang

  • 单位

    中煤科工集团唐山研究院有限公司 河北 唐山 063012天地科技股份有限公司唐山分公司 河北 唐山 063012河北省煤炭洗选技术创新中心

  • Organization
    CCTEG Tangshan Research Institute
    Tangshan Branch of Tiandi Science & Technology Co. Ltd.
    Hebei Province Coal Washing Technology Innovation Center
  • 摘要

    工业噪声造成的职业性噪声聋已位列我国职业病第二位。目前煤炭行业职业健康重点关注粉尘治理,对噪声治理和监测预警的研究较少。为了探索煤炭生产过程噪声治理及监测方案,以西湾煤矿筛分破碎车间噪声污染治理为例,基于振动筛、刮板输送机和溜槽等噪声产生原因分析,从声源降噪和传播途径降噪等方面提出了多种噪声治理方案:将振动筛筛板更换为全聚氨酯筛板,将弹簧更换为橡胶空气弹簧;在溜槽内表面的耐磨衬板与溜槽钢板之间铺设缓冲橡胶板;将刮板输送机预警方式改为机电方式;在高噪声设备外安装隔声罩;溜槽敷设约束阻尼层。同时,为实现噪声实时监测及预警,基于深度学习声音识别技术,设计了噪声智能监测预警系统。研究结果表明:经过噪声综合治理,筛分破碎车间的噪声可达到国家标准规定,即不超过职业接触噪声限值97 dB(A);噪声智能监测预警系统可对噪声进行智能监测,并根据分区分级原则对噪声进行实时预警。对筛分破碎车间进行噪声治理及智能监测,不仅能保证生产人员的职业健康,还能对设备健康实现预警,延长设备使用寿命。

  • Abstract

    Industrial noise-induced occupational hearing loss has come up to the second place among occupational diseases in China. At present, the occupational health of the coal industry is mainly focused on dust control while few research work has so far been made on noise control monitoring and early warning. In order to explore the approaches for control and monitoring of noise generated in coal preparation processes, several schemes for noise reduction at sound sources and control of noise through transmission pathways are proposed. The schemes are proposed based on the case study on control of pollution of noise generated in the screening-crushing shop of Xiwan Mine Coal Preparation Plant, as well as analysis of the factors causing the generation of noise from the vibrating screens, scraper conveyor, chutes, etc. The noise control schemes include use of all polyurethane screenplate and rubber air spring on vibrating screen; laying buffer rubber plate between wear-resistant lining plate and steel plate on inner surface of chute; changing the scraper conveyor′s early-warning mode to electromechanical mode; installation of sound insulation covers on high-noise equipment; and laying a constrained damping layer in chute. For realizing real-time monitoring and early warning of noise, an intelligent noise monitoring and early warning system is developed based on deep learning sound recognition technology. Study results show that with implementation of the comprehensive noise control measures, the noise level in the screening-crushing shop is up the state-specified standard without exceeding the permissible occupational noise exposure limit of 97 dB (A); in addition to intelligent monitoring of noise, the system can give forth early warning according to the zoning and grading principle; the use of the system can ensure not only occupational health of operators in screening-crushing shop, but also give forth early warning of equipment health for extending their service life.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    noise control;noise source;reduction of noise at sound source;reduction of noise in transmission path;intelligent noise monitoring and early warning system;early warning of equipment health

  • 文章目录
    1 噪声现状
    2 筛分破碎车间噪声治理方案研究
    2.1 噪声治理原则
    2.2 声源降噪
    2.2.1 振动筛降噪方案
    2.2.2 溜槽降噪方案
    2.2.3 刮板输送机降噪方案
    2.3 传播途径降噪
    2.3.1 设备加设隔声罩
    2.3.2 溜槽敷设约束阻尼层
    3 噪声智能监测预警系统研究
    3.1 系统组成
    3.2 系统功能
    3.2.1 作业场所噪声时空分布表征
    3.2.2 劳动岗位噪声监控
    3.2.3 个体噪声暴露监控
    3.2.4 噪声健康风险预警
    3.2.5 设备异常状态听觉监控
    4 结语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨 阳. 煤炭筛分破碎车间噪声治理及智能监测研究[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(2):80−87. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.02.012
  • Citation
    YANG Yang. Control and intelligent monitoring of noise generated in coal screening-crushing shop[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(2):80−87. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.02.012
  • 图表
    • 筛分破碎车间设备流程

    图(8) / 表(5)


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