Design of underground roll screen based on the parametrization perspective
LIU Xiaojun
In order to facilitate the installation and maintenance of roll screen used in underground mine and design of screen chamber, and to meet the requirement for reduction of investment in civil work, as well as in consideration of the inadequacy of such screens, the roll screen is redesigned through simulation of its screening process and finite-element analysis of the screen′s key parts, based on a parametrization perspective. It is finally defined that the screen is preferably in a 3-section modular structure for facilitating its mounting and maintenance, and the screen deck formed up through connection of the three sections is in form of a banana; the box of each section is totally encapsulated for avoiding escape of dust and for abatement of noise; the width of the deck is three-fold that of the maximum size of material while deck′s length is 3~8 times that of its width; each shaft is linked up to the drive motor on outside of the screen box via a flexible pin coupling for facilitating real-time adjustment of the shaft′s rotating speed, as well as repair and maintenance; the pan of the screen is subjected to a stress of 0.018 MPa at the point of tooth tip while the screen shaft is subjected principally to a bending stress with a maximum magnitude of 1.71 MPa at the both made of heat-treated 45# steel which can meet the specifications as required. Through optimization of shaft speed and inclination angle of screen surface using iteration algorithm, while maintaining the highest screening efficiency, the capacity of the screen can be raised to a maximum. The roll screen designed based on the parameterization concept proves to be able to reach the expected objective, and its design provides a basis for the widespread application of the screen underground.
underground screening;underground roll screen;parameterization design;simulation of screening process;finite-element analysis;screening process intelligent control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会