• 全部
  • Title

    Design of underground roll screen based on the parametrization perspective

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Xiaojun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Tangshan Research Institute Co.Ltd.
    Hebei Province Coal Washing Technology Innovation Center
  • 摘要

    为适应煤矿井下筛分对设备安装检修、硐室设计以及减少筛分土建投资等方面的要求,针对现有装备的不足,运用参数化设计思想,通过筛分过程的仿真以及关键部件的有限元分析,进行了井下滚轴筛的设计。最终确定:井下滚轴筛采用三段分体模块化结构,以便于设备的安装和维护,三段筛面连接后呈香蕉形,各段箱体均采用全密封结构,无粉尘外溢且噪声低;筛面宽度应大于物料的最大粒度(Dmax)的3倍,筛面长度应为筛宽的3~8倍;每根筛轴均通过弹性柱销联轴器与筛箱外侧的驱动电机一一相连,可对每根筛轴的转速进行实时调整,同时也方便检修和维护;筛盘所受应力为0.018 MPa,位置在齿尖处,筛轴以弯曲应力为主,最大应力为1.71 MPa,位置在轴承处,二者材质均选用经调质处理的45#钢,可满足使用要求;优化筛轴转速、筛面倾角等因素可优化筛分效率;采用迭代算法进行优化,可在筛分效率最大化的前提下最大限度地提高滚轴筛处理量。运用参数化思想设计得到的井下滚轴筛达到了设计目标,为井下筛分的推广应用提供了一定的装备基础。

  • Abstract

    In order to facilitate the installation and maintenance of roll screen used in underground mine and design of screen chamber, and to meet the requirement for reduction of investment in civil work, as well as in consideration of the inadequacy of such screens, the roll screen is redesigned through simulation of its screening process and finite-element analysis of the screen′s key parts, based on a parametrization perspective. It is finally defined that the screen is preferably in a 3-section modular structure for facilitating its mounting and maintenance, and the screen deck formed up through connection of the three sections is in form of a banana; the box of each section is totally encapsulated for avoiding escape of dust and for abatement of noise; the width of the deck is three-fold that of the maximum size of material while deck′s length is 3~8 times that of its width; each shaft is linked up to the drive motor on outside of the screen box via a flexible pin coupling for facilitating real-time adjustment of the shaft′s rotating speed, as well as repair and maintenance; the pan of the screen is subjected to a stress of 0.018 MPa at the point of tooth tip while the screen shaft is subjected principally to a bending stress with a maximum magnitude of 1.71 MPa at the both made of heat-treated 45# steel which can meet the specifications as required. Through optimization of shaft speed and inclination angle of screen surface using iteration algorithm, while maintaining the highest screening efficiency, the capacity of the screen can be raised to a maximum. The roll screen designed based on the parameterization concept proves to be able to reach the expected objective, and its design provides a basis for the widespread application of the screen underground.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    underground screening;underground roll screen;parameterization design;simulation of screening process;finite-element analysis;screening process intelligent control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘晓军. 基于参数化思想的井下滚轴筛设计[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(3):35−39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.006
  • Citation
    LIU Xiaojun. Design of underground roll screen based on the parametrization perspective[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(3):35−39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.006
  • 图表
    • 井下滚轴筛参数化设计流程

    图(6) / 表(2)


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