Experimental study on intensified flotation of low-rank coal produced in Inner Mongolia region using highly effective collector
PANG Zengrui
为促进内蒙古地区低阶煤资源的高效利用,基于煤样的工业分析、元素分析、粒度及密度组成分析,采用X射线衍射、傅里叶变换红外光谱测试等对煤样的表面性质进行了表征,并采用浮选试验、接触角测试、吸附测试对比研究了高效捕收剂的浮选效果及作用机理。结果表明:煤样中矿物以高岭石为主,且煤样表面存在多种亲水性含氧官能团,如—OH,C=O,C—O等,同时煤粒表面还存在大量裂隙和孔隙,这些均导致了煤样的可浮性较差;使用高效浮选捕收剂BK610,当药剂用量为1 kg/t时,浮选精煤产率为65.35%、灰分为13.58%,相比使用常规捕收剂柴油(药剂用量为3 kg/t时,浮选精煤产率为60.82%、灰分为13.37%),不仅药剂用量大幅下降(约66%),而且浮选效果也有所提高;当BK610用量为1 kg/t、柴油用量为3 kg/t时,前者作用后煤样的接触角更大(较柴油提高约9°),且药剂吸附率更高(较柴油提高约4.75个百分点),因此高效捕收剂可更有效地提升煤样的浮选效果。研究结果可对低阶煤高效捕收剂的开发以及提高内蒙古地区低阶煤资源的利用效率起到一定的促进作用。
In order to promote high-efficiency utilization of the low-rank coal resource in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, based on proximate, ultimate, size and densimetric analysis, a study is conducted on surface properties of the coal by X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy examination, as well as on the effectiveness and mechanism of the high-efficiency collector through comparative flotation, contact angle and adsorption testing. As evidenced by study results, the minerals in the coal are predominately kaolinite, and on surface of the coal are different hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups, such as —OH, C=O, C—O, etc., plus a large amounts of fissures and pores — all unfavorable factors causing the poor flotability of the coal; with the use of the BK610 collector at a dosage of 1 kg/t, the yield and ash of flotation concentrate are 65.35% and 13.58%, respectively, a result much better than the case using the conventional collector diesel(at a dosage of 3 kg/t, the yield and ash of concentrate are 60.82% and 13.37%, respectively); compared with the use of diesel, the use of BK610 can lead to an improved flotation efficiency with drastically reduced consumption by 66%; when BK610 and diesel are used at a respective dosage of 1 kg/t and 3 kg/t, the use of the former can give rise to larger contact angle of coal and agent adsorption rate, which are 9° and 4.75 percentage points higher than the case of using the latter, well demonstrating the efficiency of BK610 in improvement of flotation performance. The study made in the paper contributes to the development of collectors for high-efficiency flotation of low-rank coal and enhancement of the rate of utilization of such coal products in Inner Mongolia district.
flotation of low-rank coal;high-efficiency collector;surface property;flotation test;contact angle;dosage of collector;adsorption rate
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会