• 全部
  • Title

    Research and application of Python-language-based heavy medium separation simulation calculation software

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZUO Quan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Coal preparation Center, Shanghai Datun Energy Co. Ltd.
  • 摘要

    重介分选作为煤炭洗选加工的重要工艺环节,其分选效率和精度直接影响到煤炭的利用价值和企业的经济效益。为解决炼焦煤选煤厂在生产过程中面临的多矿井原煤配选时煤质波动大和人工计算效率低下的问题,提高产品质量和技术管理效率,研究开发了一种基于Python的重介分选模拟计算软件。软件依托原煤采样与制备、浮沉试验方法以及重介分选的分配率计算构建理论框架,运用分配曲线的正态分布模型对重介分选的产品结构数据进行模拟计算,使用SQLite3数据库存储管理浮沉数据以实现数据多次调用与高效匹配。根据实际生产需求,重介分选模拟计算软件主要包括浮沉数据管理模块、浮沉资料的灰分校正模块、重介分选配选模块和可选性曲线绘制模块,具备包括数据输入、校正、配比计算、偏差设定、产品结构数据计算及可选性曲线绘制6个主要功能。应用表明:重介分选模拟计算软件能迅速准确计算产品结构数据,可在20 min内完成不同配比下数据的计算与产品结构分析,不仅显著提高了计算工作的效率,还能够有效快速指导原煤的配选方案、分选密度的确定以及洗选效果的综合评估。

  • Abstract

    Heavy medium separation is a key link of coal preparation and processing process. It′s separation efficiency and sharpness have a direct bearing on utilization value of coal and economic performance of coal enterprise. The problems faced by some coking coal preparation plants are that the raw coal treated is mixed coal that comes from a multiple mines with wide fluctuation in washability, and low efficiency of manual calculation. For improving quality of coal separation operation and technical management efficiency, a Python language-based heavy-medium separation simulation calculation software is developed. The software works with the theoretical framework formed up by such aspects as raw coal sampling and preparation, float-and-sink testing and calculation of partition coefficients of heavy-medium separation. It can perform simulation calculation of indicators of separated products using normal distribution model of partition curve, as well as storage and management of float-and-sink analysis data via SQLite3 database, for realizing multiple invocation and high-efficiency matching of data. According to actual requirements of heavy-medium separation operations, the software consist chiefly of float-and-sink analysis data management module, float-and-sink data-based ash value correction module, raw coal feed mixing module, and washability curve plotting module, which can execute mainly six functions, such as inputting and correction of data, calculation of raw coal mixing ratios, setting limits of deviations, calculation of indicators of products and plotting of washability curve. Practice shows with the use of the software, calculation and analysis of indicators of products obtained at different raw coal mixing ratios can be completed rapidly and accurately within 20 minutes. The use of the software can lead to noticeable improvement of efficiency of calculation work. It can also offer directions for making raw coal mixing scheme in a rapid and efficient manner, and provide the basis for determination of separation density and making comprehensive evaluation of heavy-medium separation performance.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    heavy medium separation;partition coefficient;washability curve;Python;SQLite3;coal product indicators;prediction of products

  • DOI
  • 图表
    • 重介分选模拟计算软件工作流程

    图(6) / 表(6)


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