TOP30 |《煤炭科学技术》2020—2023年发表论文高被引(WOS数据库)

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TOP30 |《煤炭科学技术》2020—2023年发表论文高被引(WOS数据库) 

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[1] 程卫民,周刚,陈连军,等.我国煤矿粉尘防治理论与技术20年研究进展及展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(2):1-20.(被引51次)

CHENG Weimin, ZHOU Gang, CHEN Lianjun,et al. Research progress and prospect of dust control theory and technology in China’s coal mines in the past 20 years[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(2): 1-20.

[2] 许家林.煤矿绿色开采20年研究及进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(9):1-15.(被引33次)

XU Jialin. Research and progress of coal mine green mining in 20 years[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(9): 1-15.

[3] 葛世荣,郝尚清,张世洪,等.我国智能化采煤技术现状及待突破关键技术[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(07):28-46.(被引30次)

GE Shirong, HAO Shangqing, ZHANG Shihong, et al. Status of intelligent coal mining technology and potential key technologies in China[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(7): 28-46.

[4] 石智军,姚克,姚宁平,等.我国煤矿井下坑道钻探技术装备40年发展与展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(4):1-34.(被引30次)

SHI Zhijun, YAO Ke, YAO Ningping, et al. years of development and prospect on underground coal mine tunnel drilling technology and equipment in China[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(4): 1-34.

[5] 高明忠,刘军军,林文明,等.特厚煤层超前采动原位应力演化规律研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(2):28-35.(被引29次)

GAO Mingzhong, LIU Junjun, LIN Wenming,et al. Study on in-situ stress evolution law of ultra-thick coal seam in advance mining[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(2): 28-35.

[6] 胡振琪,肖武.关于煤炭工业绿色发展战略的若干思考——基于生态修复视角[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(4):35-42.(被引28次)

HU Zhenqi, XIAO Wu. Some thoughts on green development strategy of coal industry: from aspects of ecological restoration[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(4): 35-42.

[7] 顾大钊,李庭,李井峰,等.我国煤矿矿井水处理技术现状与展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2021,49(1):11-18.(被引19次)

GU Dazhao,LI Ting,LI Jingfeng,et al.Current status and prospects of coal mine water treatment technology in China[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(1):11-18.

[8] 徐振刚.中国现代煤化工近25年发展回顾·反思·展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(8):1-25.(被引19次)

XU Zhengang. Review, rethink and prospect of China’s modern coal chemical industry development in recent 25 years[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(8): 1-25.

[9] 郭文兵,马志宝,白二虎.我国煤矿“三下一上”采煤技术现状与展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(9):16-26.(被引17次)

GUO Wenbing, MA Zhibao, BAI Erhu. Current status and prospect of coal mining technology under buildings, water bodies and linear structure, and above confined water in China[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(9): 16-26.

[10] 张平松,许时昂,郭立全,等.采场围岩变形与破坏监测技术研究进展及展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(3):14-48.(被引17次)

ZHANG Pingsong,XU Shiang,GUO Liquan,et al. Review of research on deformation and failure testing technology of surrounding rock in mining face[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(3): 14-48.

[11] 程建远,刘文明,朱梦博,等.智能开采透明工作面地质模型梯级优化试验研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(7):118-126.(被引16次)

CHENG Jianyuan, LIU Wenming, ZHU Mengbo, et al. Experimental study on cascade optimization of geological models in intelligent mining transparency working face[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(7): 118-126.

[12] 窦林名,阚吉亮,李许伟,等.断顶爆破防治冲击矿压技术体系及效果评价研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(1):24-32.(被引16次)

DOU Linming, KAN Jiliang, LI Xuwei, et al. Study on prevention technology of rock burst by break-tip blasting and its effect estimation[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(1): 24-32.

[13] 康红普.煤矿巷道支护与加固材料的发展及展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2021,49(4):1-11.(被引16次)

KANG Hongpu.Development and prospects of support and reinforcement materials for coal mine roadways[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(4):1-11.

[14] 孙希奎.矿山绿色充填开采发展现状及展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(9):48-55.(被引16次)

SUN Xikui. Present situation and prospect of green filling mining in mines[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(9): 48-55.

[15] 张帆,葛世荣,李闯.智慧矿山数字孪生技术研究综述[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(7):168-176.(被引16次)

ZHANG Fan, GE Shirong, LI Chuang. Research summary on digital twin technology for smart mines[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(7): 168-176.

[16] 陈冬冬,孙四清,张俭,等.井下定向长钻孔水力压裂煤层增透技术体系与工程实践[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(10):84-89.(被引15次)

CHEN Dongdong, SUN Siqing, ZHANG Jian,et al.Technical system and engineering practice of coal seam permeability improvement through underground directional long borehole hydraulic fracturing[J].Coal Science and Technology,2020,48(10):84-89.

[17] 秦波涛,仲晓星,王德明,等.煤自燃过程特性及防治技术研究进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2021,49(1):66-99.(被引15次)

QIN Botao,ZHONG Xiaoxing,WANG Deming,et al.Research progress of coal spontaneous combustion process characteristics and prevention technology[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(1):66-99.

[18] 胡炳南,刘鹏亮,崔锋,等.我国充填采煤技术回顾及发展现状[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(9):39-47.(被引13次)

HU Bingnan,LIU Pengliang,CUI Feng,et al. Review and development status of filling coal mining technology in China[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(9): 39-47.

[19] 胡海峰,廉旭刚,蔡音飞,等.山西黄土丘陵采煤沉陷区生态环境破坏与修复研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(4):70-79.(被引13次)

HU Haifeng, LIAN Xugang, CAI Yinfei, et al. Study on ecological environment damage and restoration for coal mining-subsided[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(4): 70-79.

[20] 黄艳利,王文峰,卞正富.新疆煤基固体废弃物处置与资源化利用研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2021,49(1):319-330.(被引13次)

HUANG YANli, WANG Wenfeng, BIAN Zhengfu.Prospects of resource utilization and disposal of coal-based solid wastes in Xinjiang[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(1):319-330.

[21] 苏现波,夏大平,赵伟仲,等.煤层气生物工程研究进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(6):1-30.(被引13次)

SU Xianbo,XIA Daping,ZHAO Weizhong,et al.Research advances of coalbed gas bioengineering[J].Coal Science and Technology,2020,48(6):1-30.

[22] 王恩元,汪皓,刘晓斐,等.水力冲孔孔洞周围煤体地应力和瓦斯时空演化规律[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(1):39-45.(被引13次)

WANG Enyuan,WANG Hao,LIU Xiaofei,et al.Spatio temporal evolution of geostress and gas field around hydraulic punching borehole in coal seam[J].Coal Science and Technology,2020,48(1):39-45.

[23] 张凯,李全生,戴华阳,等.矿区地表移动“空天地”一体化监测技术研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(2):207-213.(被引13次)

ZHANG Kai,LI Quansheng,DAI Huayang,et al.Research on integrated monitoring technology and practice of“space-sky-ground”on surface movement in mining area[J].Coal Science and Technology,2020,48(2):207-213.

[24] 范京道,闫振国,李川.基于5G技术的煤矿智能化开采关键技术探索[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(7):92-97.(被引11次)

FAN Jingdao, YAN Zhenguo, LI Chuan. Exploration of intelligent coal mining key technology based on 5G technology[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(7): 92-97.

[25] 刘大锰,刘正帅,蔡益栋.煤层气成藏机理及形成地质条件研究进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(10):1-16.(被引11次)

LIU Dameng, LIU Zhengshuai, CAI Yidong.Research progress on accumulation mechanism and formation geological conditions of coalbed methane[J]. Coal Science and Technology ,2020,48(10):1-16.

[26] 王步康.煤矿巷道掘进技术与装备的现状及趋势分析[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(11):1-11.(被引11次)

WANG Bukang. Current status and trend analysis of coal mine driving technology and equipment[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(11): 1-11.

[27] 杨俊哲,刘前进.8.8 m超大采高工作面矿压显现规律实测及机理分析[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(1):69-74.(被引11次)

YANG Junzhe,LIU Qianjin. Analysis and measured of strata behavior law and mechanism of 8.8 m ultra-high mining height working face[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(1): 69-74.

[28] 于昊辰,卞正富,陈浮,等.矿山土地生态系统退化诊断及其调控研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(12):214-223.(被引11次)

YU Haochen, BIAN Zhengfu, CHEN Fu,et al.Diagnosis and its regulations for land ecosystem degradation in mining area[J]. Coal Science and Technology,,2020,48(12):214-223.

[29] 张庆华,姚亚虎,赵吉玉.我国矿井通风技术现状及智能化发展展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(2):97-103.(被引11次)

ZHANG Qinghua,YAO Yahu,ZHAO Jiyu. Status of mine ventilation technology in China and prospects for intelligent development[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(2): 97-103.

[30] 毕银丽,郭晨,王坤.煤矿区复垦土壤的生物改良研究进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2020,48(4):52-59.(被引10次)

BI Yinli, GUO Chen, WANG Kun. Research progress of biological improvement of reclaimed soil in coal mining area[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2020, 48(4): 52-59.




版本:Bate 1.2


  • 1中美CCUS技术发展与政策体系对比
  • 2三质体智能高频细筛在天地王坡选煤厂粗煤泥改造工程中的应用
  • 3液压支架智能焊接车间制造执行系统研究与应用
  • 4不同装药结构对雷管起爆能力的影响研究
  • 5规模化CCUS−EOR项目技术经济性分析及启示
  • 6东露天选煤厂原煤提运矿坑车辆计数识别研究
  • 7兰炭与秸秆混合燃料燃烧污染物排放和灰熔融性试验
  • 8TBS粗煤泥分选机及应用
  • 9基于数字孪生的多功能煤矿四足机器人实验系统设计
  • 10水源热泵技术应用于深部矿井热害治理−以贵州锦丰金矿为例


  • 1废弃矿井压缩空气储能技术研究现状与新设计构想
  • 2煤自燃初期低温氧化产热特性及关键结构演变特征
  • 3尾矿资源化利用现状及生态化利用研究进展
  • 4基于光/电催化重整的废弃塑料回收研究进展
  • 5可变气门正时对汽油-氨双燃料发动机燃烧与排放特性的影响
  • 6煤可可的科普之旅|带你了解煤矿含盐矿井水的完美蜕变
  • 7吐哈盆地大南湖煤田西段中侏罗世西山窑组古地理及聚煤模式
  • 8富氧燃烧气氛下废弃物衍生吸附剂脱汞及再生性能
  • 9煤矿地下空间生物质储能及地质保障
  • 10液滴在烟煤表面的润湿特性及驱动机制


  • 1绿色矿山
  • 2绿色煤矿
  • 3郑传柏
  • 4崔少鹏
  • 5贺提库
  • 6李瑞敏
  • 7鲁光辉
  • 8齐月
  • 9陈新波
  • 10折小江


  • 1中国煤炭学会
  • 2中国矿业大学 资源与地球科学学院
  • 3中国矿业大学力学与土木工程学院
  • 4中煤科工集团常州研究院有限公司
  • 5 中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院 北京建筑大学土木与交通工程学院 北京建筑大学北京未来城市设计高精尖中心
  • 6 中国矿业大学化工学院 煤炭加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室
  • 7 中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院 中国矿业大学煤层气资源与成藏过程教育部重点实验室 中国石油长庆油田分公司勘探开发研究院 低渗透油气田勘探开发国家工程实验室
  • 8 中国神华煤制油化工有限公司 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所
  • 9 国家能源集团新能源技术研究院有限公司 北京国电电力新能源技术有限公司
  • 10 国能新疆化工有限公司 中国矿业大学(北京)

