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  • Title

    Analysis and Application of Mine Air Thermal Absorption Capacity

  • 作者


  • 单位


  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In consideration of the air temperature, moisture, enthalpy and other parameters, the mine air absorption capacity was provided to judge the mine workin g thermal environment.When the mine air absolute thermal absorption capacity was negative value or the relative thermal absorption capacity was over 100%, the pape r held that the mine working thermal environment was over the related regulations and the cooling measures should be taken necessarily. Taking Jining No.2 Mine of Sh andong as an example, a measurement and analysis was conducted on the air thermal absorption capacity both at winter and summer in the underground mine.The res ults showed that the air thermal absorption capacity in the underground mine and the general air thermal parameters including the temperature, moisture and other vari ation tendency would be by contraries .At the air incoming and the ventilation sections, the thermal absorption capacity would be steadily reduced until the lowest capaci ty at the exit of the coal mining face and would be a minus value.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    temperature;moisture;thermal value;air thermal parameters;thermal absorption capacity;enthalpy;

  • 相关文章

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