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  • Title

    New Backfill Material Applied to High Roof Falling Zone of Ultra Thick Seam Gateway

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  • 摘要
    为了解决厚煤层综放开采时引起巷道高冒区危险的问题,在分析高冒区成因和危害的基础上,研发了一种新型高冒区充填材料,并结合巷道高冒区具体情况选用合适的充填工艺。现场应用结果表明:该充填材料具有轻质不燃的特性,3 d抗压强度达到1.4 MPa,膨胀率为6%~8%,通过钻孔窥视可知高冒区充填体内部致密,没有裂隙和断裂,充填体能够很好地与高冒区顶部黏结,在周期来压和采动的影响下,高冒区充填体不会发生变形和离层,该充填材料和充填工艺能够很好地解决高冒区安全问题。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the highroof falling zone danger problems of the mining gateway occurred in the fully mechanized top coal caving mining in thick seam, based on the analysis on the cause of the high roof falling zone and danger, a new backfill material of high roof falling zone was developed.In combination with the cert ain conditions of the high roof falling zone in the gateway, a suitable backfill technique was selected.The site application results showed that the backill material could have the features of the material with the light weigh and non-combustion, the compressive strength after three days could reach at 1.4 MPa and the sweling rate could be 6%8%. The borehole sight showed that the backilled material in the high roof falling zone was compact with no crack and broken and the backfilled material were wel I bond with the roof of the high roof falling zone. Under the influences of the periodical pressure and mining activities, there were no deformation and bedding occurred i n the backilled material of the high falling zone.The backfill material and the backill technique could well solve the existed problems of the high roof falling zone.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    highroof flling zone;backfill material;ultra thick seam;backfill technique;

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