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  • Title

    Comprehensive Fire Prevention and Control Technology for Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face in Easy Spontaneous Combustion Seam During Face Equipment Withdrawn Period

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  • 摘要
    针对羊场湾煤矿Y162综放工作面的煤层自然发火期仅23 d,存在自燃隐患,基于羊场湾煤矿Y162综放工作面长度300 m、回撤中利用轨道提升等复杂情况,在加强煤自燃预测预报的基础上,为缩短回撤时间,采取筑沙袋墙、充填地表裂隙等措施减少采空区漏风,同时在回撤期间通过2道埋管、架间打钻向采空区实施注胶、注氮及灌浆等综合防灭火措施,回撤期间工作面CO体积分数保持在24×10-6以下,保证了该工作面的顺利、安全回撤。
  • Abstract
    According to the short spontaneous combustion period (23 days) of the seam in No.Y162 fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in Yangchangwan Mine, there was a high spontaneous combustion danger in the coal mining face.The length of No.Y162 fully mechanized top coal caving mining face was 300 m and the conditions of the railway hoisting and others during the face withdrawn period was complicated.Based on the enhanced forecasting and prediction of the coal spontaneo us combustion, in order to reduce the withdrawn time, the sandbag wall, the backill of the surface ground cracking and other measures were applied to reduce the air | eakage in the goaf.During the withdrawn period, with two buried pipelines, the glue injection, nitrogen injection and grouting in the goaf with the boreholes between the powered supports, and the comprehensive fire prevention and control measures, the CO volume fraction of the coal mining face during the withdrawn period was kept b elow 24x10-6 to ensure the successful and safety withdrawn of the coal mining face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    easy spontaneous combustion seam;fully mechanized top coal caving mining face;withdrawn technology of coal mining face;fire prevention and control;c oal spontaneous combustion;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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