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  • Title

    Application of High Cutting Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Equipment to Thick Seam Mining in Xiegou Mine

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  • 摘要
    通过分析斜沟煤矿引进的国外大采高综采设备的应用情况,发现工作面端头围岩稳定性对工作面推进速度与开机率及工作面煤壁片帮有较大影响。为此,通过采取加强工作面端头及平巷支护,对工作面矿压实时进行动态监测,及时带压擦顶移架可加快工作面推进速度,对煤壁节理裂隙发育、煤体松散破碎和片帮严重的区域,采用加强支护或煤壁固化的方法以及严格控制工作面质量管理等安全措施。结果表明,采取上述措施后,18102工作面最高日产量达到42 180 t,月循环率达到85%,工作面平均回采工效902 t/工,采出率达到93%以上。
  • Abstract
    With the analysis on the application conditions of the overseas high cutting fully mechanized coal mining equipment imported by Xiegou Mine, it was fou nd that the stability of the surrounding rock at the coal mining face end would have high influences to the advancing speed and the equipment operation rate of the coal mining face as well as to the spalling of the coal mining wall. Therefore the support of the face ends and gateways should be enhanced, the mine strata pressure of the coal mining face should be timely and dynamically monitored and measured and the timely moving forward of the powered support with certain roof pressure could impr ove the advancing speed of the coal mining face.In regions with joint crack development of the coal wall, loose and broken coal seam and serious spaling, the enhance d support or coal wall consolidation method, serious controlled face quality management and other safety measures should be conducted.The results showed a max dai ly production of No.18102 coal mining face was reached at 42 180 t, the month circulated rate was reached at 85%, the average mining efficient rate of the coal mining face was 902 t/person, the coal mining rate was over 93%.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    full seam one pass mining;imported fully mechanized coal mining equipment;thick seam mining;high cutting mining;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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