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  • Title

    Backfill Mining Technology with Ultra High Water Material in Coal Mine and Outlook

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  • 摘要
    基于超高水充填材料的性质,进行了超高水材料充填开采技术研究。该技术包含开放式、全包式、混合式等采空区充填方法,其充填工艺系统由材料储运、浆液制备、浆液输送和混合等4部分组成,并在多个矿井进行了应用。结果表明:超高水材料具有含水量高(水体积分数95%~97%)、凝固速度快(初凝8~90 min)、早期强度高、固结体不可压缩、承载性能好、材料强度和凝固时间可调控等优良性能,是一种良好的采空区充填材料。该充填工艺系统初期投资低、操作简单、自动化程度高、管路磨损小。充填开采后,采空区充填率均在85%以上,采场矿压显现程度明显降低,地表建筑物破坏等级控制在国家规定的Ⅰ级破坏范围内。
  • Abstract
    Based on the property of the ultra high water material,the features of the backill mining technology with the ultra high water material was studied.The te chnology was including the open type,full package type,mixed type and other mining goaf backfill method.The backfill technical system was composed with material stor age and transportation,slurry preparation,slurry transportation,slurry mixing,and the backfill technical system was applied to several mines.The application results show ed that the ultra high water material had a high water content(water volume reached at 95%97%),fast setting rate(initial setting time of 890 min),high early strength,cons olidate incompressible,good loading performances,controllable material strength and setting time and other excellent performances and could be a good backfill material of the mining goaf.The backill technical system would have a low initial investment(not over RMB 5.0 millions),simple operation,high automatic degree and low pipelin e abrasive wear.After the backfill mining conducted,the backfill rate of the mining goaf was over 85% in average,the mine strata pressure behavior degree of the coal mi ning face was obviously reduced,the failure grade of the surface buildings was within grade I failure scope stipulated by the state.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra high water material;backfill mining;open type balklil;ull package type backill;mixed type bakill;

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