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  • Title

    Experiment Study on Rapid Dilling and Borehole Completed in Mine Medium Hard Rock Roadway Heading

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  • 摘要
    为提高李粮店煤矿北风井西四采区回风平巷掘进中的钻眼成孔速度,采用理论分析、矿物成分测试以及现场钻眼试验3种方法对快速钻眼成孔进行了研究。结果表明:石英和钠长石含量之和占该巷岩石中矿物总量的60%以上,中硬岩石对钻头的磨损大;采用一字形钎头钻眼速度较快,成孔质量好;在施工2.5 m深的炮眼时,可先选用2.5 m长钎杆进行施工,当钻深至2.3 m左右时,更换3.0 m长钎杆继续钻进,可实现快速钻孔,单眼成孔时间由14 min减少到8 min,提高了钻眼成孔速度。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the drilling completed speed during the heading of the air returning roadway in the west No.4 mining block of North Mine ventilation s haft in Liliangdian Mine, a theoretical analysis, mineral composition measurement and site drilling test methods were applied to the study on the rapid borehole drilling C ompleted.The results showed that the sum of quartz and sodium feldspars was taken over 60% of the total amount of minerals in the rock, the rock hardness was mediu m and the wear of the drilling bits was high.When a bull bit was applied, the borehole drilling speed would fast and the borehole completed quality would be good.Durin g the drilling operation of the 2.5 m depth blasting borehole, the 2.5 m long drilling rod could be selected for the drilling operation.When the drilling depth reached at ab out 2.3 m, the 3.0 m long drilling rod shall be applied to the continued dilling and a fast borehole drilling could be realized.The completed time of a single borehole drilli ng could be reduced from 14 min to 8 min and thus the borehole completed speed could be improved.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    medium hard rock;rapid dilling;type of bit;length of drill rod;composition of mineral;road driving;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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