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  • Title

    Study and Practices on Changing from Fully Mechanized High Cutting Coal Mining to Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining in Buertai Mine

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  • 摘要
    布尔台煤矿42101-1和42102-2大采高综采工作面回采过程中出现了严重的冒顶、片帮等强烈矿压显现,工作面难以安全高效回采。为此,对该矿4-2煤层新回采工作面选用综放开采工艺的可行性进行研究。采用多因素模糊综合评判方法,评判了采深与单轴抗压强度比值、夹矸强度、采放比、煤层节理裂隙间距、夹矸厚度、直接顶岩性和基本顶岩性的冒放性隶属度,得到4-2煤层冒放性综合隶属度为0.82~0.85,煤层具有良好的冒放性。结合工作面顶板结构参数和大采高综采工作面实测矿压参数,可预计4-2煤层综放支架支护强度为1.36~1.39 MPa。综放工作面实际回采表明:工作面矿压显现正常,单产达到52.4~63.1万t,工作面实现了高产高效回采。
  • Abstract
    During the mining processes of No.42101-1 and No. 42102-2 fully mechanized high cutting coal mining faces in Buertai Mine, there were serious roof falli ng, spalling and other strong roof strata pressure behaviors occurred and the coal mining faces were hard to have a safety and high efficient mining operation.Therefor e, a study was conducted on the feasibility of the fully mechanized top coal caving mining technique selected for a new coal mining face in No.4-2 seam of the mine.The multi factors fuzzy comprehensive judging method was applied to judge the mining depth and the uniaxial compressive strength ratio, parting strength, mining and cavin g ratio, seam joint crack interval, parting thickness, caving membership of the main roof lithology and base roof lithology.The caving comprehensive membership of No. 4-2 seam was 0.82-0.85 and the seam would have a good caving.The roof structure parameters of the fully mechanized top coal caving mining face and the site measur ed mine strata pressure parameters of the high cutting fully mechanized coal mining face combined could predict that the support strength of the powered support for fu lly mechanized top coal caving mining face in No.4-2 seam was 1.36-1.39 MPa.The actual mining of the fully mechanized top coal caving mining face showed that the m ine strata pressure behavior of the mining face was normal, the production of the mining face was 0.524-0.631 million tons and the high production and high efficiency was realized in the coal mining face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully mechanized top coal caving mining;multi factors fuzzy comprehensive judement;caving membership;coal mining technique;Jurassic seam;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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