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  • Title

    Study on Underground Heat Environment Analysis and Comprehensive Control in Yongchuan Mine

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the heat environment of the underground mining and excavation warking faces in Yongchuan Mine, the paper stated the theoretical a nalysis, the plan comparison and the preliminary design and provided the method and conception of the mine heat environment control.Firstly, based on the site measur ement and analysis on the heat environment of the mining and excavation working faces in Yongchuan Mine, the heat disaster degree was evaluated.Secondly, the pap er had the analysis and calculation on the thermal emission law and heat radiation value of each thermal source and the main influence factors of the mine heat environ ment were obtained.Thirdly, according to the calculation of the simulated mine roadway method, the limited mineable depth with the mine ventilation and cooling could b e determined and thus the comprehensive control conclusion of the mine heat environment with the artificial refrigeration and cooling as the main measure and the mine ventilation and other measures as the auxiliary measures could be obtained.Finally, the paper calculated the cooling quantity required for the mining and excavation fac es and the cooling quantity lost of the pipeline. Therefore, the cooling quantity required for the mine air condition system and the mining and excavation face was obtain ed.According to the layout in the underground mine of Yongchuan Mine, several cooling plans were provided. With the comparison analysis, the regional centralized refri geration and cooling system was applied to solve the heat disaster problems of the north and south wings of the mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    heat environment;heat radiation value;artificial refrigeration and cooling;mine air condition system;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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