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  • Title

    Analysis on Gas Deposit Features and Geology Factors of Linxi Mine

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  • 摘要
    为了掌握林西矿的瓦斯赋存特征,基于林西矿的地质特征及瓦斯资料,研究了影响瓦斯赋存的主要地质因素,包括构造、岩浆岩、煤层埋深、地下水及煤层顶板岩性。结果表明:正断层利于瓦斯逸散,逆断层利于瓦斯保存;岩浆岩附近煤层瓦斯易聚集,瓦斯涌出量可达3.2 m3/min;随煤层埋深增大,瓦斯含量以每百米0.10~0.35 m3/t的梯度增加;煤层顶板砂泥岩比与瓦斯含量大小呈反比,随着下部煤层顶板砂泥岩比的减小,瓦斯含量从3.0 m3/t增加到5.2 m3/t;地下水流动利于瓦斯的逸散,使得林西矿平均瓦斯含量较邻区赵各庄矿同水平低4.0 m3/t。
  • Abstract
    In order to understand the gas deposit features of Linxi Mine, base on the geological features and gas information of Linxi Mine, the paper had a study 0 n the main geological factors influenced to the gas deposit, including the structure, the magma rocks, the seam depth, the underground water and the lithology of the ro of and floor.The results showed that the normal fault would be favorable for the gas relesed and the reverse fault would be favorable for the gas storage.The seam gas near the magma rocks would be easy to be accumulated and the gas emission could be reached at 3.2 m3/min.With the seam depth increased, the gas content would b e increased in the gradient per 100 m of 0.10 ~ 0.35 m3/t.The sandy mudstone of seam roof would be an inverse ratio to the size of the gas content and with the sandy mudstone ratio of the below seam roof decreased, the gas content would be increased from 3.0 m3/t to 5.2 m3/t. The underground water flowing would be favorable to t he gas releasing and thus the average gas content of Linxi Mine could be 4.0 m3/t lower than Zhaogezhuang Mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    structure;magma rocks;roof lithology;seam depth;underground water;

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