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  • Title

    Research and Application of Support Technology to Gateway with Soft and Broken Roof

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  • 单位


  • 摘要
    为了解决大同侏罗纪15号煤层松软破碎顶板巷道支护技术难题,对该煤层及顶底板岩层进行了物理力学性质测试,在此基础上分析了巷道顶板类型,针对煤层顶板实际情况,阐述了及时支护、可缩性支护、大工作阻力、整体加固的破碎顶板巷道支护原则,通过理论计算确定了煤层巷道围岩锚固支护方案。现场试验表明:选择的支护方案和支护参数能够有效地控制巷道围岩变形,巷道顶板的最大离层值为13 mm,支护材料用量下降了10%,保证了巷道安全使用,取得了明显的经济效益。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the support technical difficulty of the gateway with soft and broken roof in No.15 seam of the Jurassic Period in Datong Mining Area, the physical mechanics property test and measurement was conducted on the seam and the roof and floor strata.Based on the circumstance, the roof type of the gateway W as analyzed.According to the actual conditions of the seam roof, the paper stated the principles of the on time support, the yield support, the high working resistance su pport and the integrated reinforcement for the gateway with broken roof.The theoretical calculation was applied to determine the surrounding rock anchoring support pla n of the seam gateway.The site experiment showed that the support plan and the support parameters selected could be effectively to control the surrounding rock defor mation of the gateway.The max bed separation value of the gateway roof would be 13 mm.The support material consumption was reduced by 10%.Thus the safety appli cation of the gateway could be ensured and the obvious economic benefits were obtained.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    broken roof;anchorage support;surrounding rock control;seam gateway;support monitoring and measurement;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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