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  • Title

    Modernized Safety and High Efficient Mine Mode and Equipment Features in Shenhua Group

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The paper introduced the safety and high efficient mine constructions in Shenhua Group and pointed out that the modernized safety and high efficient mi ne mode had became a development orientation and tendency of the mine construction in China.The paper analyzed and summarized the mode and equipment features of the modernized safety and high efficient mine, including the advanced design idea, the integrated production method, the rational mine development layout, the trackl ess rubber tyre vehicle auxiliary transportation method, application of the world first class equipment, the mining and excavation mechanization degree with 100%, the a pplication and innovation of new advanced production technique, development of information and automation management mode, the promotion of professional service s and improvement of high efficient and safety operation capacity.In Shendong Mining Area, the equipment in each mine was high in relability, performances and autom ation degree.The equipment features could be suitable for the particularly favorable natural conditions of the resources deposit advantages in Shendong Mining Area.Th us the resources and the equipment could be best ftted with the optimized economic and environment benefits.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    safety and high efficient mine;mine mode;equipment features;Shenhua Group;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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