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  • Title

    Gas Comprehensive Control System and Practices in Huaibei Coal Mining Group

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  • 摘要
    针对淮北矿区煤层稳定性差、地质构造复杂、突出矿井多、瓦斯灾害严重的实际问题,提出了从理念、管理、技术、投入和培训等方面构建瓦斯综合防治体系,并在实践中不断创新和完善。采取瓦斯综合防治体系后,淮北矿业集团公司的瓦斯抽采率达到了48%以上,瓦斯超限次数大幅下降;从2004年到2010年,瓦斯利用量从765万m3增加到4 600万m3,年生产原煤从2 151万t增加到3 200万t,百万吨死亡率由0.7降至0.18。
  • Abstract
    According to the poor seam stability, complicated geological structure, many outburst mines, the gas disaster serous actual problems in Huaibei Coal Mi ning Area, the paper provided that gas comprehensive prevention and control system should be established from the aspects of the idea, management, technology, inve stment, training and others.The prevention and control system should be implemented and should be continuously innovated and improved .After the gas comprehensive prevention and control system implemented, the mine gas drainage rate in Huaibei Coal mining Group was over 48% and the number of the gas content over limit was h ighly reduced.From 2004 to 2010, the gas uillization quantity was increased from 7.65 million m3 to 46.00 million m3, the anual raw coal production was increased fro m 21.51 million ton to 32.00 million ton and the fatal rate per million ton was reduced from 0.7 to 0.18.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas drainage;gas prevention and control system;gas content over limit;Huaibei Coal Mining Group;


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