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  • Title

    Observation and Study on Surface Ground Subsidence Speed of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining in Thick Seam

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  • 摘要
    为了取得厚煤层综放开采地表下沉速度等参数,通过建立地表移动观测站,对厚煤层综放开采引起的地表沉陷情况进行了观测,分析了厚煤层综放开采条件下地表下沉特征,得出了地表下沉系数为0.91;起动距50~60 m,为采深的1/5~1/6;超前影响距为183 m。在此基础上,得出了地表最大下沉速度及最大下沉速度滞后角分别为51 mm/d和76.3~78.3°,表明该区域厚煤层综放开采条件下地表移动剧烈、地表下沉速度快、起动距偏小等特点。
  • Abstract
    In order to have the surface ground subsidence speed and other parameters of the fully mechanized top coal caving mining in the thick seam, with the e stablishment of the surface ground movement observation station, the surface ground subsidence occurred by the fully mechanized top coal mining in the thick seam W as observed and the surface ground subsidence features under the conditions of the fully mechanized top coal caving mining in thick seam were analyzed.From the obs ervation and analysis, the surface ground subsidence coefficient obtained was 0.91.The starting distance was 5060 m and would be 1/5 1/6 of the mining depth.The adv ance influence distance was 1 83 m.Based on the circumstance, the max subsidence speed and the max subsidence speed delay angle of the surface ground would be 51 mm/d and 76.37 8.3° individually.The above showed that under the fully mechanized top coal caving mining in thick seam, the surface ground in that area would have a serious movement, a quick subsidence speed, a small starting distance and other features.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thick seam;fully mechanized top coal caving mining;surface ground subsidence;surface ground subsidence speed;surface ground movement observation station;

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