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  • Title

    Cause Analysis and Prevention on Mine Strata Pressure Bumping from Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining at Steep Inclined High Level Stage of Shallow Seam

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  • 摘要
    针对铁厂沟煤矿发生的开采深度仅155 m的特殊冲击地压,分析了该矿浅埋深急倾斜高阶段综放开采发生冲击地压的矿压显现情况与特点,并对影响此次冲击地压的地质因素与生产因素进行了剖析。结果表明:煤岩冲击倾向性、开采深度与地质构造、煤壁前方超大的支承压力、工作面位置及开采顺序、采煤方法、工作面推进速度、放炮等因素导致冲击地压发生。通过分析此次冲击地压发生的原因,提出了适合该矿防治冲击地压的措施。
  • Abstract
    According to the special mine strata pressure bumping occurred from Tiechanggou Mine with a mining depth of 155 m, the paper had an analysis on the mine pressure behavior conditions and features of the mine strata pressure bumping occurred from the fully mechanized top coal caving mining at the steep inclined hig h level section in seam with a shallow depth of the mine.Meanwhile the geological factors and production factors affected to the mine pressure bumping were analyzied. The results showed that the coal and rock bumping tendency, the mining depth and geological structure, the super support pressure in front of the coal mining face, the coal mining face location and the mining sequences, the mining method, the coal mining face advancing speed, the blasting and other factors could cause the mine pre ssure bumping occurred.With the analysis on the cause of the mine pressure bumping occurred, the suitable measures to prevent and control the mine strata pressure bumping in the mine were summarized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow depth;fully mechanized top coal caving mining;mine strata pressure bumping;prevention and control measures;

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