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  • Title

    Research on Rapid Seam Opening of Cross-Cut Technology in Songzao Mine

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  • 摘要
    针对松藻煤矿煤层松软,透气性差,现有石门揭煤技术工程量大,揭煤时间长等问题,采用深孔预裂爆破和高压水力割缝快速石门揭煤技术,分别对深孔预裂爆破的钻孔布置方式和爆破参数,高压水力割缝的钻孔布置方式和水力学参数进行了研究。应用结果表明,深孔预裂爆破快速石门揭煤技术可使钻孔平均进尺数下降806.7 m,且石门揭煤时间由72.3 d下降为32 d,揭煤时间缩短55.3%;高压水力割缝快速石门揭煤技术使钻孔平均进尺数下降905.7 m,且石门揭煤时间由72.3 d下降为27.7 d,揭煤时间缩短61.2%。上述2种方法都可解决揭煤时间长,工程量大的问题,其中高压水力割缝石门揭煤技术效果更好。
  • Abstract
    According to the soft seam and poor seam permeability, high seam opening engineering of the cross-cuts and long time seam opening and other problem s in Songzao Mine, the deep borehole pre-cracking blasting technology and the high pressurized hydraulic slotting technology were applied.A study on the borehole patt ern and blasting parameters of the deep borehole pre-cracking blasting and the borehole pattern and hydraulics parameters of the high pressurized hydraulic slotting W as conducted individually.The application results showed that the rapid seam opening technology of the cross-cut with deep borehole pre-cracking blasting could reduce the borehole drilling with 806.7 m in average, the seam opening time could be reduced from 72.2 days to 32 days and the seam opening time could be reduced by 55. 3%.The rapid seam opening technology of the cross-cut with the high pressurized hydraulic slotting could reduce the borehole drilling with 905.7 m in average, the sea m opening time could be reduced from 72.3 days to 27.7 days and the seam opening time could be reduced by 61.2%.The above two methods both could solve the long time seam opening and high engineering problems and the effect of the seam opening technology with the high pressurized hydraulic slotting would be better.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    seam opening of cross-cut;pre-cracking blasting with deep borehole;high pressurized hydraulic slotting;soft seam;outburst seam;

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