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  • Title

    Study on Ratinal Width of Protective Coal Pillar in Mining Gateway of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face in Soft Seam

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  • 摘要
    汾西新阳矿综放工作面煤柱留设大,为了减少煤柱宽度,提高采区采出率,基于极限平衡理论的分析方法,推导出计算煤柱宽度的表达式,结合煤柱强度与高宽比关系,设计煤柱宽由35m减少到25 m;采用连续自动采集装置,实测得煤柱侧支承压力范围为10~12 m,所设计煤柱宽大于2倍塑性区宽,理论计算与测试结果具有很好的一致性。现场监测结果表明:掘进期间,煤柱侧巷道顶板位移85 mm,两帮移近70 mm,顶板深部、浅部离层分别为8和10 mm;回采期间,顶板及两帮位移分别为105和90 mm,离层没有变化,煤柱和巷道都保持稳定,满足安全生产要求。
  • Abstract
    In the fully mechanized coal caving mining face of Fenxi Xinyang Mine, the coal pillar left for the coal mining face was large.In order to reduce the coal pi Ilar width and improve the coal recovery rate of the coal mining face, base on the analysis method of the limit balance theory, the expression to calculate the coal pillar width was derived.With the relationship between the coal pillar strength and the high and wide ratio, the designed coal pillar width was as reduced from 35 m to 25 m.W ith the continued automatic sampling device, the actual measured data showed that the lateral support pressure scope of the coal pillar would be 1012 m. The coal width designed would be two times wider than the width of the plastic zone and the theoretical calculation and the measured results could be well fitted.The site monitoring an d measuring results showed that during the gateway driving period of the coal mining face, the gateway roof displacement at the coal pillar would be 85 mm, the conver gence between the two side walls would be 70 mm and the separation in the shallow section of the roof would be 8 mm and 10 mm individually.During the mining operat ion period, convergence of the roof and the two side walls was increased to 105 mm and 90 mm individually, the separation in the roof strata was not changed and the C oal pillar and the gateway could be kept in stable to meet the safety production requirements.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    soft seam;ully mechanized top coal caving mining;coal pllar width;coal recovery rate;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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