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  • Title

    Study on Outburst Prevention Technology in Opening Seam with Serious Dangerous Outburst of Cross-cut

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  • 摘要
    为了解决由于松藻矿区地质条件复杂,煤层透气性系数低,地质构造带揭煤地点的地应力、构造应力、瓦斯压力大而导致揭煤时突出危险性增加,揭煤周期长的问题,提出采用超前探测、预测预报、高压水力割缝增透、底板瓦斯巷超前预抽、环形金属骨架钻孔注浆、锚网锚索喷浆加强支护、渐近式的综合石门揭煤技术,并在渝阳煤矿进行了应用。结果表明:采用综合石门揭煤技术瓦斯平均抽采浓度比未割缝钻孔平均抽采浓度提高59%,高压水力割缝后单孔平均抽采纯量增大2.92倍,揭煤时间缩短了17 d。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the outburst danger increased and the long seam opening period during the seam opening occurred by the high ground stress, high stru cture stress and high gas pressure at the seam opening location of the geological structure zone, the lower seam permeability coefficient and the complicated geological conditions of the Songzao Mining Area, the application of the pilot exploration, the prediction and pre-warning, the high pressurized hydraulic slot cutting for the perme ability improvement, the pilot gas pre-drainage from the floor of the gateway, the ring metal support frame, the bolt-steel mesh-anchor-shotcreting reinforced support an d the asymptotic type comprehensive cross-cut seam opening technology were provided and applied to Yuyang Mine. The results showed that with the application of the comprehensive cross-cut seam opening technology, the gas average drainage density was improved by 59% than the average drainage density with no slot cutting bore holes.After the high pressurized hydraulic slot cutting, the average drainage pure quantity per borehole was improved by 2.92 times and the seam opening time was red uced by 17 days.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    complicated geological conditions;serious outburst seam;cross-cut seam opening;pilot exploration;high pressurized hydraulic slot cutting;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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