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  • Title

    Prevention and Control Technology of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on Fault Simulation and Prediction .

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  • 摘要
    为进一步查明井田开采区域内勘探空白区的断层情况,减少断层对瓦斯突出的影响,采用Geostructure软件模拟预测断层来降低矿井瓦斯突出风险。根据该软件在澳大利亚North Goonyella矿井和湖南裕民煤矿芋子田矿井的断层模拟预测结果,对比矿井开采过程中断层实际揭露情况,从断层数量、断层存在概率、瓦斯突出风险3方面论证了采用Geostructure软件模拟预测井田开采区域内断层从而防突的可行性,这为大幅降低矿井开采过程中的瓦斯突出风险提供了参考依据。
  • Abstract
    In order to further verify the fault conditions of the no exploration zone within the mining area of the minefield and to reduce the fault affected to the gas outburst, the Geostructure software was applied to simulate and predict the fault to reduce the risk of the mine gas outburst.According to the software applied to the fau It simulation and prediction results of North Goonyella Mine in Australia and Yuzitian Mine Shaft of Hunan Yumin Mine in China, in comparison between the actual expos ed conditions of the faults during the mining process in the mines, the fault numbers, the fault existing probability and the gas outburst risk was applied to verifty the fea sibility of the Geostructure software applied to simulate and predict the faults within the mining area of the minefield and to prevent the gas outburst, which could provid e the references to highly reduce the gas outburst risk during the mining process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fault;simulation and prediction;coal and gas outburst;Geostructure software;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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