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  • Title

    Floor Heave Causes and Prevention Countermeasures of Mine Preparation Roadway in Deep Mine

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  • 摘要
    针对陶二矿深部巷道底鼓问题,基于巷道围岩变形破坏机理,通过对巷道底鼓影响因素的理论分析,得出围岩性质、水、采深、地质构造和支护形式是导致底鼓的主要因素,提出采用注浆锚杆和注浆锚索分别控制浅部和深部围岩,使底板岩层形成承载梁,提高岩层的黏聚力和内摩擦角,增强底板整体稳定性。并在南采区轨道上山进行了支护试验,结果表明:顶底板移近量小于300 mm,底鼓量约占顶底板移近量的70%,比原支护减小80%;同时,巷道两帮的变形也得到有效的控制。
  • Abstract
    According to the floor heave problem of the deep roadway floor in TaoDer Mine, based on the deformation failure mechanism of the mine roadway surrou nding rocks, with the theoretical analysis on the factors affected to the floor heave of the mine roadway, the surrounding rock properties, water, mining depth, geological structures and support mode would be main factors to cause the floor heaves.The grouting bolt and the grouting anchor was provided individually to control the shallow strata and the surrounding rock in the deep mine in order to make the floor strata to form the bearing beam, to improve the cohesion and internal friction angle of the ro ck strata and to increase the integrated stability of the floor.A support trial was conducted in the railway gateway of the south mining block.The results showed that the r oof and floor convergence was less than 300 mm and the floor heave was taken about 70% of the roof and floor convergence, which was reduced 80% than previous su pport system.Meanwhile the deformation of the two side walls was effectively controlled.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    preparation roadway;floor heave;support mechanism;prevention counter-measures;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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