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  • Title

    Study on Mine Strata Pressure Law of Coal Mining Face in Shallow Depth Seam Under Thin Base Rock in Daliuta Mine

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  • 摘要
    为了研究薄基岩浅埋煤层矿压规律,防止薄基岩浅埋煤层工作面发生切顶事故,造成溃砂溃水事故,通过对大柳塔煤矿22614工作面现场矿压观测,得出了薄基岩浅埋煤层工作面矿压显现规律,结果表明:工作面上覆基岩厚度大于10 m的区域,工作面顶板来压比较明显,支架动载系数相对比较大,工作面上覆基岩厚度小于10 m的区域,工作面顶板来压不明显,实测工作面支架工作阻力大部分为5 400~7 200 kN,现有支架能满足生产需求。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the mine strata pressure law of the coal mining face in the shallow depth seam under the thin base rock and to prevent the roof cutting accident occurred in the coal mining face in the shallow depth seam under the thin base rock which could cause a sand inrush or water inrush accident, with the site mi ne strata pressure observation in No.22614 coal mining face in Daliuta Mine, the mine strata pressure behavior law of the coal mining face in the shallow depth seam u nder the thin base rock was obtained.In the area with a thickness over 10 m of the overburden base rock, the pressure would be obvious and the dynamic coefficient of the powered support would be relatively high.In the area with a thickness less than 10 m of the overburden base rock, there would be no pressure in the roof of the coal mining face.The pressure of the powered support in the coal mining face would be concentrated at 5 400 ~ 7 200 kN and the present powered supports all could meet t he production requirements.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow depth seam;working resistance;mine strata pressure law;thin base rock;

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