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  • Title

    Study on Gas Geological Law of No.3B Seam in Chengshan Mine

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  • 摘要
    为了防止城山煤矿3B号煤层的瓦斯事故,掌握城山煤矿的瓦斯赋存特征,采用定性、定量相结合的方法建立数学模型,研究了地质构造、煤层顶底板岩性、煤层埋深对瓦斯赋存的影响和煤与瓦斯突出危险性分区分带特征。结果表明:城山煤矿3B号煤层构造复杂区域为瓦斯含量高集中带,煤层顶底板的岩性坚硬致密有利于瓦斯的保存;随着埋深的增加,瓦斯含量、瓦斯涌出量越来越大,瓦斯含量梯度高达3.01 m3/(t·hm);在埋藏深处瓦斯压力增大,围岩透气性降低,特别在构造复杂区煤体破坏严重,煤层瓦斯压力达到0.74 MPa的区域,确定为突出危险区。
  • Abstract
    In order to prevent and control the gas accident from No.3B seam in Chengshan Mine and to understand the gas deposit features of Chengshan Mine, a qualitative and quantitative combined method was applied to establish the mathematics model to study the geological structure, seam roof and floor lithology and seam depth affected to the gas deposit and to study the division and zone features of the coal and gas outburst danger.The results showed that the structure complicated regi on in No.3B seam of Chengshan Mine was a gas concentrated zone, the surrounding rock lithology of the seam roof and floor was hard and compact and would be favo rable to keep the gas.With seam depth increased, the gas content and the gas emission would be getting higher and higher and the gas content gradient would be 3.01 m3/ (t.hm) .In the deep depth, the gas pressure would be increased and the permeability of the surrounding rock would be reduced. Especially in the structure complicat ed zone, the seam coal would be failed seriously and the zone with seam gas pressure at 0.74 MPa could be set as an outburst danger zone.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas geological law;gas emission value;gas content;gasgeological map;outburst danger;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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