• 全部
  • Title

    Competitive adsorption behavior and mechanism of different flue gas proportions in coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIN Zhi-xin1,2 ,WU Si-yuan1 ,DENG Cun-bao1,3 ,DAI Feng-wei1,3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. College of Safety Science & Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin   123000, China; 2. Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co. Ltd. , Taiyuan  030053,China; 3. Research Institute of Safety Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China
  • 摘要

    为研究不同浓度电厂烟气注入采空区后CO2的封存效果、O2的抑制吸附程度和竞争吸附机理,采用巨正则系综蒙特卡洛方法,建立煤结构模型,模拟采空区温度压力环境注入不同比例烟气时CO2,N2,O2在煤中的竞争吸附行为,以作为指导烟气注气的依据。结果表明:随着烟气含量的增加,N2和O2的吸附量降低,CO2和总吸附量升高,但升高和降低的速率减小,而等量吸附热随烟气含量变化的变异系数仅为0.48%1.39%。随着烟气含量的增加,CO2对N2和O2的吸附选择性降低,竞争性减弱。煤对CO2的优先吸附位在能量最低的-34-30 k J/mol区域,被占满后转向次优先吸附位。即吸附能力并不能直接反映吸附量,其主要由气相中各组分浓度控制,同时受竞争性和吸附位影响。

  • Abstract
    To investigate the competitive adsorption mechanism of ternary gas,the effects of CO2 storage and restrain degree of O2 adsorption after the different proportions of power plant flue gas injecting into the gob,the coal structural model is constructed,and the competitive adsorption behavior of CO2 ,N2 and O2 is simulated using Grand Canonical Monte Carlo method at special temperatures and pressures with the condition in gob to conduct flue gas injecting. The results show that the adsorbed amount of N2 and O2 decreases,and the adsorbed amount of CO2 and the total adsorbed amount increases with the increase of flue gas proportion,but the rates of decreases and increases slightly reduce. While the coefficient of variation of isosteric heat is only 0. 48% -1. 39% along with the changes of flue gas propor- tions. The adsorptive selectivity of CO2 / N2 and CO2 / O2 decrease with the increase of flue gas proportions,thus the competitiveness of CO2 is weakened. The preferential adsorption sites of CO2 are between -34 and -30 kJ / mol and CO2 turns to secondary adsorption sites after the primary ones are filled in. So adsorbed amount cannot directly reflect from adsorption ability,it is mainly guided by the concentration of components in gas phase and influenced by the com- petitiveness and adsorption sites at the same time.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    power plant flue gas;coal;competitive adsorption;adsorptive selectivity;adsorption site

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Jin Zhixin,Wu Siyuan,Deng Cunbao,et al. Competitive adsorption behavior and mechanism of different flue gas proportions in coal[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(5):1201-1206.
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