• 全部
  • Title

    Slurry-ability of municipal sludge conditioned by semi-coke and rheological property of coal-sludge water slurry

  • 作者


  • Author

    DAI Caisheng,ZHANG Zhonghuan,MA Songjiang

  • Organization
    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan  411201,China
  • 摘要
    采用成浆实验法研究了半焦调质城市污泥的成浆性能以及半焦调质城市污泥与煤混合物的成浆性能及其浆体流变特性。结果表明:半焦的含量是影响半焦调质城市污泥成浆性能的关键因素,半焦调质城市污泥的成浆性能随其半焦含量的增加而变好,当半焦的含量增大到80%时,半焦调质城市污泥的定黏浓度仍只有33.88%,说明其成浆性能差;泥煤混合物的成浆性能随半焦调质城市污泥配比的增大而变差,其定黏浓度(φ)与半焦调质城市污泥配比(x)呈良好的线性相关关系:φ=68.835 1-1.201 1x,R2=0.953 6;污泥煤浆的浆体为假塑性流体,呈现剪切变稀的性能。上述研究成果对制备高能效的污泥煤浆,实现污泥的能源化利用有重要意义。
  • Abstract
    The slurry-ability of municipal sludge conditioned by semi-coke and the mixtures from conditioned sludge and coal were investigated using slurry performance experiment. The results indicate that the ratio of semi-coke could be viewed as a key factor for the slurry-ability of conditioned sludge. And the slurry-ability of conditioned sludge was improved with the increase of semi-coke ratio. When the ratio of semi-coke was greater than 80% ,the slurry concentra- tion of conditioned sludge was still merely 33. 88% ,which suggests the quality of the slurry is not satisfactory. The weight fraction of conditioned sludge had a significant impact on the slurry-ability of blended conditioned sludge / coal feedstock. The correlation between the weight fraction of conditioned sludge ( x) and slurry concentration ( φ) could be quantitatively described by the linear function as follows:φ = 68. 835 1-1. 201 1x, R2 = 0. 953 6. The increase in the weight fraction of conditioned sludge would undermine the slurry-ability of the conditioned sludge / coal feedstock. The coal-sludge water slurry exhibited a pseudo-plastic behavior with shear thinning property. The research results a- bove are important for preparing sludge coal slurry with a high energy efficiency and converting sludge into a source of energy.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    municipal sludge conditioned by semi-coke;coal-sludge water slurry;slurry ability;rheological property

  • DOI
  • Citation
    DAI Caisheng,ZHANG Zhonghuan,MA Songjiang. Slurry-ability of municipal sludge conditioned by semi-coke and rheological property of coal-sludge water slurry[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(8):2134-2140.
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