• 全部
  • Title

    Coal structure identified based on logging curve

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Chao HUANG Huazhou XU Delin LI Zhao ZHAO Yingkai ZHANG Dawang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    MOE Key Lab of Coal Bed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process School of Resources and Earth
    Science, China University of Mining and Technology Heilongjiang Longmay Geologic Exploration Company Limited
    Oil and Gas Resource Investigation Center, China Geological Survey Research Institute of Oil and Gas
    Development, China Northeastern Coalfield Geology Bureau
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to identify the coal structure, the coal structure at Northeastern Hegang Coalfield was divided into A type ( primary structure coal, broken coal) a nd B type ( structure coal) . The paper summarized the density in the logging curve, deep lateral resistivity, acoustic transit time, well diameter, natural gamma, gamma- gamma and other curve affected to the loggings of different coal structures. In comparison with A type coal, the well diameter and acoustic transit time were increased, t he deep lateral resistivity, the density and the gamma-gamma of the B type coal would be reduced and the natural gamma and neutron porosity would be different by th e area to area.With the summarization on the structure features of different coal, the paper had an analysis on different coal structure correspondence to the response V alue scope of the logging curve and then based on the logging response and the logging curve diagram, the coal structure of study area was divided. The structure coal percentage of No.9 seam and No. 15 seam obtained from the study area would be 40% and 50%individually and the structure coal development of No.11 seam would be all higher than 30%.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    logging curve; coal structure; logging response; structure coal;

  • 相关专题

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