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  • Title

    Study on low cost transmission technology of coalbed methane well production data

  • 作者


  • Author

    QIN Jian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China United Coalbed Methane Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为实现对地处偏远山区的煤层气田生产排采井的精细化控制,需要突破人工巡井或布设井场间网络的传统方法,通过低成本的技术实现排采数据采集、传输。根据工业无人机体积小、机动灵活、地理适应性强等优点,提出无人机搭载对地数据通信模块、通过通信软件与飞控软件协同工作、依井位地理位置和高程优化飞行航迹与飞行速度,在已投入商业化生产数年的煤层气田进行了工业化数据传输应用实践。结果表明:目前可以实现24 h连续数据读取后的现场存储、一次性传输,数据连续性比原传统人工巡井方式提高数十倍;使用原来人工巡井10%的车辆和人员、原单班65%的巡井时间和原单班50%的井场巡井里程即可完成原巡井抄表任务,实现了煤层气田生产的降本增效。
  • Abstract
    In order to realize a fine control on the gas drainage production of the coalbed methane field in a remote mountain area, it was necessary to break throu gh the traditional method of the human patrol or internet between the well fields and the low cost technology could be applied to realize the gas drainage data collection and transmission. According to the small dimension, flexibility and high geology adaptability and other advantages of the industrial unmanned aerial vehicle, the industri al unmanned aerial vehicle with the air to ground data communication module was provided. With the coordinative operation between the communication software and t he flight control software, according to the well geographical position and the high altitude optimized flight path as well as the flight speed, practices on the application of the industrial data transmission were conducted on the coalbed methane field with many year commercialized productions. The result showed that at present, after th e data reading, the 24 h continued data could be stored at the site and the one-time data transmission would be realized. The data continuity was improved by 10 times higher than the traditional human patrol method. The previous gas well patrol and meter reading mission could be completed only with 10% vehicles and personnel man ual patrol of the previous manual patrol, 65% patrol time of the previous single shift and 50% well filed patrol miles of the previous single shift. Thus the cost reduction and benefit increased of the production could be realized in the coalbed methane field.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane; gas well patrol; wireless data transmission; unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ;

  • 相关专题

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